Part Three - The Real Interview

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Asher's POV

"Is something funny?" I quickly shook my head, lowering it so that I was staring at my lap. Asher, you're so stupid, I mentally scolded myself. I risked a peek at Lucas preparing for the worst but I saw a smile beginning to form on his face. I burrowed my eyebrows, confused, why wasn't he shouting at me? I raised my head fully and rose an eyebrow, he only laughed in return.

"Lucas, you're going to give the poor kid a heart attack," Mrs Willis frowned at him but I could see her fighting a smile, this only caused Lucas to laugh harder. Now normally I hated being laughed at because it made me feel insecure but his laugh was so hearty and infectious and kind of... sexy?

As I let out a nervous laugh, Lucas snapped his head in my direction. I jumped back a little but I thought it was a joke? He stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes at me, my eyes widened in return and I swallowed loudly. Lucas' eyes flicked down to my fidgeting hands then he began laughing again.

"I'm sorry man," Lucas leaned forward, clutching his sides, "but you should've seen your face." My jaw opened in shock then anger took over. What the hell was that?! I nearly shit myself and he's sitting there laughing at me! I opened my mouth to speak but decided against it, I didn't want to anger my potential new boss so I just laughed with him. Mrs Willis joined in too and after a minute or so, Lucas cleared his throat. "So can I take him?"

"Why?" Mrs Willis recovered from laughing and stared at Lucas quizzingly.

"Uh, I may or not of fired Hannah," mumbled Lucas, he was looking down at his lap like a child who knew they were about to get shouted at. Mrs Willis threw her hands in the air and let out a huff. 

"For God's sake Lucas, you've gone through three assistants this month alone!" Three? Jeez, what do they do to get themselves fired? Mrs Willis took her glasses off, placed them on the table then began rubbing her eyes. "What happened this time?"

"Um let's see, she forgot to pick up my coffee this morning and also...well actually that's about it." I was in shock, he really fired her over coffee?! Mrs Willis did not look happy one bit, she dug the heels of her hands in her eyes.

"Lucas, you know I've been needing a PA for a while now. I can send up a list of candidates tomorrow and we can conduct some interviews then but right now I still need to interview Mr Reid." Ooft you tell him, girl. Lucas looked up at her, jutting his bottom lip out into a pout. I felt a laugh build up again but I suppressed it, definitely don't want to make that mistake again. "Lucas you're twenty-four stop acting like a child," this only caused Lucas to pout further. If I didn't know who Lucas' real mother was, I'd suspect it to be Mrs Willis.

"Lyndsey as your boss, I command you to let me do the interview." 'Command', we aren't in the army, I couldn't help but laugh at that, I expected some sort of glare from Lucas but it was like he never even heard me. He started his pouting again causing Mrs Willis to sigh,

"Alright, you win but don't you dare come back to me when you fire your next PA." Mrs Willis swiped her glasses from the table and stood up. "His resumé is there," she pointed to the clipboard on the desk then turned to me, "good luck Mr Reid." My eyes pleaded at her to not leave me in here with him, she gave me an apologetic smile then turned on her heel and walked out the room, closing the door behind her.

Lucas stood up and took Mrs Willis' place in the office chair. I straightened my posture and fixed my tie. Turning to him, I gave him my full focus. I came here for an interview so I might as well try and get a job out of it even if it meant having a man-child as a boss.

"Okay soooooo... Asher," his eyes skimmed through my CV, "you currently work at Walmart...and Billy's Corner bar?" He frowned slightly but composed himself quickly.

"Uh, yeah. Well I mean, I handed in my leave notice last week but I've been working there for nearly two years now."

"Why have you decided to leave?" He cocked his head to the side slightly.

"I moved here to work within the business sector but there weren't any opportunities. I had to be able to afford rent so I applied to Walmart,  then later on to the bar. I wanted to leave because..." I let out a sigh before continuing, "...because I'm not happy. I don't exactly see myself working in a supermarket for the rest of my life so it's better if I get myself out now before I'm stuck there." Lucas nodded, mulling over my response.

"Why Gold Law then?" He leant back in his chair and propped his feet on the desk. Not very professional but I guess since his dad's the founder of the company, he can do as he pleases.

"I saw the advertisement online for the job and decided to go for it. I know it's only a PA job but we all got to start somewhere. I've seen how professional the company works on the news and stuff, I'm hoping to learn a few things here and maybe in a few years be able to progress into a more vital role in the firm." I looked at Lucas, he was already looking back at me. I held his gaze until he asked another question.

"Are you British?" I nodded in response, "why'd you move to America?" I sat there for a couple of moments conflicted, should I tell him the truth? Nah, I doubt he'd hire someone with emotional baggage anyway.

"I heard America was the best place for businesses and I wanted only the best so I moved here."

"Does your family live here too?" I shook my head,

"No, they couldn't bear to leave England behind," I forced out a chuckle.

He narrowed his eyes, probably deciding if I was telling the truth or not. I gave him a fake smile to ease his mind which seemed to work.

"I'm sure they couldn't," he smiled back, "I've got a few more questions for you then you can go."

"Hit me." My fake smile slowly turned into a real one.

"Firstly, how old are you?"


"When's your birthday?"

"March 25th so in two weeks actually."

"I see that you don't have a college degree, is there a reason why?"

"I was going to go to University in London but I deferred for a year to make some money. As I said, America seemed better for business so as soon as I turned nineteen I moved out here." I offered another fake smile to him.

"Alright, my final question is..." He took his feet off the desk and leaned forward on his elbows. His face hardened, eyes boring into mine, " you know how to make coffee?"

I sat stunned, all that for a silly question? I recovered then nodded, "of course." Lucas stood up quickly, offering his hand. I stood up slowly, brows furrowed. As I shook his hand he spoke,

"Well done, you're hired."

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