Part Ten - Touchdown

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Asher's POV

I opened my eyes slowly but they immediately widened as I noticed how close I was to Lucas. Our faces were literally inches away from each other, if I leaned forward slightly, I would be able to kiss his soft looking lips. I went to turn over and grab my phone but I couldn't move. I lifted the quilt slightly and realised that Lucas had his arm draped over my waist. I grabbed his wrist gently and tried to move it off but as I did, Lucas stirred. I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to still be asleep. I felt Lucas grab my waist tighter and pulled me close to him. My eyes snapped open and almost bulged out my head, our crotches were now touching and I was starting to get excited, you know...down there.

I lay there thinking about how I was going to get out of this but luckily I was saved by a knock on the door. I clamped my eyes shut again as Lucas immediately woke up. I peeked out one eye and saw as Lucas quickly yanked his arm away from my waist. I felt my heart pang, was that really necessary?

He got up and walked to the door, opening it, "yeah?"

Thomas stood there and peered into the room, I shut my eyes again, "Sorry for waking you but we're going to land soon so the pilot's asking for you to be seated."

"Alright thanks, I'll get Asher up."

"Did you sleep in the bed together?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, "uh nah, I slept on the chair." Wait, what?! Why was he lying? I almost spoke up but then I would have put us all in an awkward situation.

"Ah okay, well I'll let you get ready." I heard the door close and someone walk towards the bed. A hand grabbed my shoulder and shook it gently.

"Asher?" I pretended to stir. He shook me again, "Asher, get up." I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to face him. Which ended up being a mistake because I was now looking directly at his dick. I blushed and looked away, hoping he couldn't see the colour in my cheeks. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching. I saw Lucas' eyes flick to my exposed chest before I covered myself up again. "Get dressed and take a seat with Thomas, the jet will be landing soon. He must of seen the panic in my eyes because he said, "don't worry, I'll be out before we start landing to help you."

I gave him a grateful smile, "thank you sir."

Lucas started towards the door but then paused for a second, glancing over his shoulder, "you can call me Lucas when we're not at work."

Before I had the chance to reply, he walked away and into the bathroom. I was surprised to say the least, I didn't expect him to let me call him by his name, especially after the talking to he gave me on my first day. After getting over my shock, I got out of bed and flicked the lights on. As I walked past the bathroom, I heard the shower running. I couldn't help but imagine Lucas with hot droplets of water running down his perfectly sculpted body, his arms flexing as he reached up to shampoo his hair. And for the second time in the space of five minutes, I had gotten excited. It wasn't fully up but I definitely had to distract myself, and I had to do it now.

I pulled on the clothes I was wearing earlier then fished my phone out my pocket, hoping to find something on there to distract me. I switched it on, intending to browse through twitter - one of the only things I liked about this jet was that it had Wi-Fi - but after a few seconds, I was bombarded with messages and missed calls from my sister. I frowned, I hadn't talked to her in like two months. I looked at my notifications, they said:

8 missed calls from Lily

Lily: Asher I'm gonna call you, pick up

Lily: Asher pick up the phone now

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