Part Eight - Prick

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Asher's POV

Three times. It's only my first day and through a series of unfortunate timing, I've managed to fuck up in front of my boss THREE TIMES.

"What does prick mean?" Lucas had taken a threatening step towards me. Quick Asher think.

" means...someone who's sharp witted. You know cause like when a needle pricks you, it's sharp and uh...Lyndsey was just telling me about some of your work and I was like oh wow he's so smart, so he's a prick. And...yeah," Lucas did not look even the slightest bit convinced, I tried giving him a smile but it seemed to annoy him more. He took another step towards me, bending down so that his mouth was near my ear.

"Don't lie to me Asher," I froze, chills ran down my spine. Lucas' hot breath was fanning my neck. I looked to Lyndsey for help but she was too busy stuffing her face with pizza to notice me. I turned my head to face Lucas which was a huge mistake because now our faces were mere inches away from each other. My cheeks instantly flooded with heat and my eyes widened but Lucas didn't even react, his face void of any emotion. His eyes searched mine, I don't think he found what he was looking for though because he suddenly straightened up then left the cafeteria. I pressed my hands to my cheeks instantly feeling the heat, keeping them there in an attempt to prevent Lyndsey from seeing.

"Did you see that?" Lyndsey looked up from her food.


"You really didn't hear or see any of that?"

"Uh no," I narrowed my eyes at her, either she was lying or she was genuinely clueless; I'm guessing the former. I didn't push her though, I didn't really want to talk about it either. But why did Lucas whisper in my ear like that? Why did he pull away so quickly? More importantly, why do I care? "Asher are you okay?"

I realised I had been staring at the table for a while, I gently shook my head to clear my thoughts, "yeah sorry, I just don't feel well."

"Was it the pizza?" Lyndsey looked at me with concern in her eyes.

"Uh maybe, I think I'm just gonna go back up to the office." I quickly stood up from my chair.

"Oh well, give me a sec and I'll come up with you," Lyndsey said whilst beginning to stand up.

"No it's okay, finish your lunch," I managed to give her a weak smile. She cocked her head slightly, contemplating whether to stay or go but ended up sitting back down. 

"Alright, see you later then."

"Bye," I gave her a meek wave then headed for the elevators. After a short ride, I practically ran to my office, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I was hoping to avoid Lucas for the rest of the day, I don't think I could handle another encounter like that.

So I spent the rest of the afternoon answering emails Lucas had forwarded to me, sorting some files in the cabinet into alphabetical order and putting together a memo for one of Lucas upcoming meetings. Between tasks I spent time learning how the company was run like what the procedures were. I was actually enjoying myself until a knock came at my door. I walked towards it slowly, praying that it wasn't Lucas behind it. Apparently my prayers were answered because when I opened it, Lucas wasn't there, in fact, no one was. I looked down the corridor but I couldn't see anyone and all the doors were shut. Just before I was about to close the door, I saw a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up, it had the urban dictionary definition of the word prick printed on it:


Worse than a douche and jerk combined. A guy who thinks they know everything but in reality they're stupid hypocrites. A guy who loves to cause drama then acts like nothings wrong. Most likely a guy named Cliff.

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