Part Twenty - The Truth

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Asher's POV

The rest of the evening was spent trying not to rip my hair out. I decided to order take out for dinner because I was in no mood to cook (well that and I had like three ingredients in my kitchen). And of course my mother had to give me a good ten minute lecture of the importance of getting a balanced and varied diet - no information in which I retained. 

After dinner, my parents thankfully went to bed while Lily and I stayed up to watch a movie and talk about Lucas. Speaking of, he texted me a few times asking what was wrong and if I was okay but I switched my phone off, not wanting to get into it. 

The next morning, I left a note along with a spare key telling my family to go sightseeing or something while I went to work. 

I arrived early to the office again, grabbing some breakfast from the cafeteria on the way up. Just as I finished up eating, someone knocked on my door. 

"Come in." 

Lucas opened it slowly then walked towards me with his head down. When he reached the desk, he looked up and my god did he look like shit. His face was pale and he had very prominent dark circles under his eyes. "Jesus Christ, are you okay Lucas?" 

He flashed me a weak smile, "yeah, just a little tired." 

I frowned, "why?"

"Cause I was worried about you, you weren't answering your texts and all my phone calls would go straight to voicemail."

"Awww, big bad Lucas was worried about little old me?" 

He glared at me, "well it seems like you're perfectly okay so I'll just take my leave." 

"Relax, I was just joking with you. Come sit down, we need to have a talk." I lead him over to the couch then stood in front of him. "Firstly, I'm sorry for not answering your texts last night, I was irritated at what happened yesterday so I turned my phone." 

"I'm just confused at what did happen, you seemed annoyed at something when you came in yesterday and when your family and I come back from the tour you were angry. Did I do something?" 

"No, you didn't well actually, you took them up to your dad's office despite me begging you to take me but I'm over that now. Anyway, I wasn't angry at you, I was angry at my mother." 

"Why?" I looked at Lucas, he held no expression of anger on his face just concern. 

"That's a very long story."

 He shrugged, "so? We have all day." 

"I have to complete planning for this gala," I made a move towards my desk but Lucas stood up and blocked me. 

"Asher, forget the gala. Something is clearly bothering you and it's having a big impact on your mood. And if you're not happy then I'm not happy. So please, tell me what's wrong." I sighed deeply, I suppose this conversation needed to be had sooner or later.

"Alright then sit down. I'll tell you the story about why I hate my mother" He frowned but nodded, took a seat then looked at me expectantly. 

"So, when I was 16 I figured out that I was gay, I had always suspected it, my eyes always seemed to drift more towards boys than girls. I kept it a secret at first because I didn't know how my friends would react and I especially didn't know how my family would act. They, meaning my mother, always acted a bit weird whenever someone from the LGBT community would appear on TV but I didn't think much of it.

Anyway, in my final year of secondary school, I began talking to this boy in my class called Andrew. We became friends instantly and after a while, I finally worked up enough courage to tell him I was gay and he admitted that he was too. Soon after, we decided to begin dating and I told all my friends and they were completely fine with it. 

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