Part Seven - My Muffins

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Asher's POV

I dropped the clothes I was carrying on the floor. They can't be my muffins, can they? No. Surely not. I mean he wouldn't do that right? I stared daggers at Lucas but he didn't even spare me a glance, just carried on munching on MY blueberry muffins. One wrapper was already discarded on the desk meaning that he's eating the second one. With my nose scrunching up in anger, I cleared my throat. Lucas snapped his head in my direction, a look of guilt clouding his face before he quickly replaced it with a smug expression. "Hey," hey? HEY?!

I drew a deep breath, composing myself before speaking, "sir, I don't mean to be rude but what are you doing?" Lucas swung his legs off of the desk, throwing the wrapper down with the other one.

"I saw that you kindly bought me a couple of muffins so I ate them because it would've been rude not to," he flashed me a stupid smirk. I let out a huff in response, pinching the bridge of my nose. I knew he was messing with me,  he knew for a fact that they were mine. But I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me annoyed.

I quickly straightened up, plastering on a huge smile, "you're right sir, I bought them just for you," His brows furrowed, confused. "I saw them in Starbucks and they seemed to just scream you."

"Um...yes. Well thanks." Not knowing how to continue the conversation, he started towards the door.

"You're very welcome...oh and sir?" He turned around, looking at me quizzingly. "You have a little something there," I pointed to my lips. His eyes widened, releasing that he had some crumbs stuck to the corner of his mouth. His tongue darted out from his lips, licking up the small amount of food slowly. He kept his eyes trained on me. My eyes widened at the gesture, that was surprisingly kind of hot.

"Thanks Asher," He winked then left, leaving me with red cheeks. I loved the way my name rolled perfectly off his tongue. Ignoring my thoughts, I walked to my chair, sitting down; the seat still warm from Lucas. There was a piece of paper on the desk that contained a list of names and phone numbers. There was also a post-it note stuck to it saying;

I've emailed you a copy of my diary, schedule meetings with the people I've listed then you can go to lunch - L

At least this won't take too long.

That was a lie because it took me two and a half hours to finish setting up the meetings. It turns out that the paper was double sided, why an accountant at a law firm needed this many meetings, I would never know. I glanced at the clock on my computer it read 12:30. It was a little early for lunch but since I never got to eat my muffins this morning, I decided to leave in search of food.

On the way to the elevator, I bumped into Lyndsey who was rushing towards Lucas' office. "Hey," she came to a stop, looking up from the file she held in her hands.

"Oh hello Asher, you alright?" She eyed my change in clothes in a curious way.

"Um...I don't wanna talk about it." I blushed slightly, remembering the shower I had taken earlier, as well as Lucas' lingering gaze on my bare chest.

Looking at her watch, she said, "okay...well are you going to lunch?"

"I want to but I don't know if this place has a cafeteria or something," Lyndsey laughed,

"Of course it does. Tell you what, I just need to talk to Lucas about something then we can go to lunch together. Just head down one floor, my office is the first one to the right, it should be open, it has my name on it too if you somehow get lost." Before I could reply, she continued down the hallway entering Lucas' office without knocking. I most definitely would've gotten in trouble for doing that.

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