[3] Rebel Without A Cause

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With her bag slung around her shoulder, Alice hopped her way from the stairs that led to her trailer, to reach her bike. She noticed that she had left the key in the lock but surprinsgly nobody had even bothered to steal it. It was almost falling apart, which is why she guessed why not even thieves thought it would be worth taking.

However, she wasn't going to pay any more attention to her bike, as she noticed FP in front of his trailer. She made her way over to him to ask if they should go to school together, but then she noticed something different about him. He was limping, as if his right leg was hurting too much to actually put any weight on.

"FP? Are you okay?" She asked carefully, stopping her tracks. It wasn't until she spoke up that FP had noticed that someone was around. He looked at her as if he was caught red handed, which only made her worry even more.

"What happened with your leg?" Alice gestured to his limb, with a soft expression on her face.

"Nothing, it's okay." He brushed it off and turned around again to make his way towards his motorbike.

He tried to get on it, but the second he put any amount of pressure on his right leg, he growled it out in pain.

"Really? You don't seem fine." Alice threw her bicycle onto the gravel and wanted to give him a hand, to take him to school in order to help him out, but before she could even extend her hand to him, he lashed out.

"It's none of your fucking business, Alice!" He yelled, his eyes widening and the vein on his forehead throbbing so hard that she was almost scared that it would burst.

"Wow, alright. Then suffer, for all I care." She scoffed annoyed and took back her bike from the ground and made an attempt to quickly ride away, but then FP realized that he had totally crossed a line.

"Al, wait." His voice was soft, making her give him the benefit of the doubt. She wasn't in the mood to fight with him, or anyone for that matter, but she was willing to hear him out.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you." He apologized sincerely, his eyes twinkling with guilt as he averted his gaze from her.

"No, you shouldn't have."

Alice kept a straight face, still a little offended by the way he had raised his voice at her when she only tried to help him. However, she could see that something was clearly bothering him, which was bigger than anything he had said to her.

"So, what is going on?" She approached him again, giving him an opening to share his thoughts with her, if he wanted to.

"Sports injury from practice." He shrugged nonchalantly, but the blushes on his cheeks and the way his eyes glossed over told her immediately that it was a lie.

"Okay, if you say so..." She knew better than to believe him, but if there was really something he needed to get off his chest it needed to come from him.

"I'm no lair." He shot back immediately, his eyes snapping towards hers.

"Never said you were." She defended immediately, making his face soften instantly.

FP realized that he was lashing out to her when she didn't deserve that at all, but he had no other idea how to respond to all that was happening to him.

Usually, Alice was one to snap back to everyone who dared to raise their voices at her, but for some reason she couldn't get herself to be mad at FP. He truly seemed off in a way he hadn't before and therefore her own emotions didn't seem to matter as much. She could deal with him snapping at her every once in a while, as long as he would open up just a little bit.

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