[7] Hunt Of The Preppies

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FP was searching through the Whyte Wyrm to find his best friend with her long brown curls. When he was doing some laundy at home, he suddenly had an epiphany that he just had to share with her. There was one simple way to solve their problems, and he needed her help to do so. Eventually, he spotted her at the back around the pooltable, when she was just finishing up a game.

"Al!" He called for her, a smile on his face. FP quickly made his way over to her, and loosely wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I knew I could find you here." He grinned, making her stomach twist a little when she saw the signature smirk he had ever had since they were little kids. Back then, it didn't have the effect it had on her nowadays.

"You want a smoke?" She smiled up at him and found an excuse to look away from his eyes for a brief second, before he'd notice she had been staring.

"Yeah, thanks." FP gladly took one of her cigarettes and let her light it for him after he pursed it between his teeth.

"I've got an idea to help the both of us out." He smirked mischievously, after letting out the toxins of the smoke.

"You do?" Alice irked her eye-brow, a little pessimistic of whatever he had in mind.

He wasn't really known for thinking through his actions, and she wasn't sure there was anything that simple that would make their lives better in the blink of an eye.

"Come with me?" Though it was a question, he didn't wait for her to follow him but instead grasped his hand in hers to take her to the back, a place where they could have privacy.

He placed her against the brick wall and let his hand rest next to her head, successfully trapping her between his body. With one more look he checked they were really alone, so nobody could ever hear what he was about to say.

"FP, is this was an excuse to get laid behind the ally you could have just asked." Alice smirked, seeing through his plan almost immediately. She would lie if she'd say she wasn't up for it, especially since the scent of his cologne was irresistible.

"I love the way you think, Smith." FP grinned back at her, his mind wandering off to fool around a bit instead. However, he reminded himself that he had something to propose.

"But honestly, we need a place to talk in private. We can't have people hear us." He whispered lowly, his face coming real close to hers.

"Alright, what's your plan?" Alice asked him, this time a little bit more interested than she had been back in the bar.

"Do you want to get your revenge on Penelope and make a quick buck?" His lips curled up in a mischievous smile.

"You've got my attention..." Alice started to smile a little too, as those words sounded as music to her ears. But first, she wanted to know exactly what he wanted to do to make that come true.

"You and I, we'll break in to the Blossom's mansion tonight. Bonnie and Clyde style."

He let his hand slide from the wall to end up in his pocket as he smiled cockily. FP had full confidence that this was the way to go, and he figured that Alice wouldn't hesitate to jump in this plan.

"Are you serious?" Her eyes grew wide, but she couldn't stop herself from cuckling. That did sound perfect.

"You would do that just for my revenge?" She asked him, her voice a little soft.

It had been something unspoken between them, but ever since he had stood up for her against Penelope and she had done the same when she started speaking about his father, a true act of solidarity between them had formed. Sure, over the years they had defended each other when they were attacked for being a Southsider, but this time was different. It was personal, and they truly showed to have each other's backs.

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