[14] Negative, Positive

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The last month, Alice had tried to get more in contact with FP, but every single time he had made up a lame excuse of being too busy, or not feeling in the mood to hang out.

At first, she had tried to tell herself that maybe that this was one of those times they just didn't see each other as often, but since they had started taking their platonic friendship to a more intimate level it made her more anxious that he was avoiding her. Didn't he enjoy being with her anymore? Might she have said something that had scared him away?

Instead of overthinking every single word that she had exchanged with him the last couple of months, she made her way towards his trailer. He was leaning against the wall and smoked a cigarette with his eyes closed. He hadn't heard her coming his way, it wasn't until she spoke that he noticed her presence.

"Hey...  haven't seen you in a while. Are you okay?" Alice fiddled nervously with the sleeves of her jacket, which was very rare for the girl who wasn't usually afraid of someone else's opinion.

But FP was different. She cared about him. Maybe even more than just a friend.

He opened his eyes and his cheeks blushed as if he just got caught. His attempts to avoid her had been successful so far, but when he had drifted away in his own thoughts he hadn't counted on her stopping by the trailer. He hoped that eventually she would give up, so he could get over her and move on.

"Yeah. Fine." He shrugged, avoiding her eyes at all costs.

Alice wanted to ask him more about his life and mostly about why they didn't hang out anymore, but then she noticed the bruises around his eye. The blood disappeared out of her face, knowing exactly how he had gotten it.

"FP, your eye..." Her fingers reached for her face, but before she could touch the sore skin he leaped away. If he would feel her touch, he was sure he'd cave immediately. It was dangerous.

"It was just practice, okay? We have the game tonight, remember?"

He reminded her of the match against the Baxter Ravens, one he was afraid he wouldn't be able to play, but a guardian angel had made sure that his wrist had healed on time. It was tricky, but he didn't want to pass on the game of his life.

"Are you guys prepared?" She asked him, trying her hardest to keep the conversation going.

Though she wasn't entirely sure that playing when your wrist had just healed from a terrible fracture was the right idea, she wanted to support him nonetheless.

"Hmm. Think so." He said quietly as he looked away totally uninterested.

That's where Alice had it. If he didn't want this relationship to be anything more, or even if he just wanted to go back to being friends, that she could handle. But him shutting her out without giving a single explanation was childish and something she would have never have expected from the one person she thought she could count on.

"What's going on?" She crossed her arms as she gave him a fiery look. If he wasn't going to take the bait on her attempts to solve this more soft way, then maybe she just needed to be direct.

"Is it your Dad? Did I say something wrong?" She asked him, impossible to hide the desperation in her voice.

It was as if suddenly, they weren't in sync anymore. For years, they had always been on the same page, they could basically read each other's minds. But she lost him. She couldn't feel where he was, or more importantly, who he was.

"You don't have to constantly check up on me, Alice." FP scoffed annoyed as he threw away his cigarette into the gravel.

Though he seemed mad, he was a master in hiding the lump in his throat. Of course he wanted to be with her, that was exactly the problem. It wasn't her who said anything wrong, it was his fear that he would one day, and lose her for good.

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