[29] An (Un)fortunate Punch

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Year 14...

FP closed his car door and strolled over the parking lot of the RIVW, the place Alice had worked for years. Every single time he saw her on his television he was incredibly proud and seeing her live in action was an unique experience.

He remembered the first time he had taken Charles with him to the studio, he had looked his eyes out. He had been six years old, and had giggles the whole tour because he was so in awe of all the lights around him. Alice had beamed throughout the whole broadcast, knowing that Charles and FP were watching her so close by.

He made his way through the door and politely presented himself at the reception.

"Hi, I'm looking for Alice Smith. I'm the father of her son." He said kindly, giving the woman a small smile.

"We know, FP. She's in her dressing room. Here is your backstage card." She rolled her eyes playfully, finding it amusing that even though he had been here a thousand times before, he still introduced himself as if he had been there for the first time.

He gratefully accepted the card and chuckled a little, before pulling the chord over his neck and followed the route that he knew by heart.

"Al?" FP poked his head inside her dressing room, not wanting to burst in without making his presence know, but then he saw something that made his blood disappear out of his face.

Alice was pressed against the wall and he looked at the giant man that had his hands on her hip. He towered over her and he immediately assumed that something awful was going on. She had told him before that the entertainment business could be a tough world, but there was no bone in his body that would ever let anyone take advantage of her.

"What the..." He whispered in disbelief, just as something in his brain snapped. Nobody touched Alice against her will, he would make that very clear.

"Don't you dare touch her, you fucking pervert!" He growled, taking the arms of the still unknown man off her, to roughly push him down onto the floor.

Without much of a second though, FP jumped above him and bawled his fist, which successfully met the man's jaw. A grunt followed, but he didn't even get the chance to defend himself as FP was about to give him another right hook, until a voice called.

"FP! Let go of him!" Alice shrieked, her face turning pale as she saw the father of her child in total anger.

He suddenly softened when he noticed that she wasn't panicking at all, on the contrary. She look mad— at him.

"Who's this freak?!" The man stood up, trying to wipe away the blood on his face.

He looked furious, but for Alice's sake he remained calm. Besides, he had to take care of his injured jaw first and foremost.

"Why did you punch him?! Are you crazy?!" Alice exclaimed, her eyes wide and in shock as she looked at FP.

He stood there, totally bewildered of what had just happened.

"I thought..." He started to stutter, feeling embarrassed of misreading the situation.

"I thought he was forcing himself on you. Sorry." FP casted his eyes away, not wanting both of them to see the deep shame on his face.

He truly believed Alice had been in danger and acted on impulse, to do anything to protect her. He always would.

"You are fucking insane. Can't a guy touch his girlfriend anymore?" The man spat, beyond annoyed, after Alice had handed him an ice pack out of the freezer in her dressing room. It helped ease his wound a little bit.

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