[17] The New Girl

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Year 2...

FP spread out several movie options onto his small coffee table and turned towards his girlfriend Emmy, who sat on the couch next to him, her legs to her chest.

It was date night, and as always she had the honor to choose what they were going to watch. Not that he minded, he'd rather look at her anyways. They had been dating for a few months and he really believed that things were getting serious with them.

And so what if it had started out because he was trying to convince himself that his feelings for Alice were gone? It just wasn't written in the stars for them. He had to move on, and he liked her. So, his motives didn't matter, did it?

"So, what's it gonna be?" He asked her as he sent his signature smirk.

"Grease, obviously." She gestured for the tape and tapped on it with her fingers, before tucking her long brown her behind her ears.

"You are such a cliche." He teased her, which earned him a slap on his chest.

"Hey! It's a great movie." Emmy argued in her defense, but couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Alright, I guess the Grease Lightning part is alright." FP laughed and playfully squeezed her thigh. He loved how teasing her made her smile.

"I'll put it in. But only because I like you." He playfully wagged his finger at her and hopped off the couch, opened the box and slipped in the tape into his VCR player.

When he sat back down, he made sure to wrap his arms tightly around her and spread a blanket over their legs so they wouldn't get cold. FP had to admit to himself, he was excited to spend a few days with her. With having a son, a job and a girlfriend who's schedule was pretty busy too it was hard to find time for one another.

But fortunately Alice had proposed to keep Charles a few days more, so they could really devote their attention to one another. It had been a blessing, because it felt like he finally could show her that he did in fact really like Emmy.

That feeling was completely mutual, which was showed to him when she climbed on his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and started to press little lovebites in his neck. FP groaned when she grinded down against his hips. 

"Thought you loved this movie so much?" He teased her, as his hands landed on her ass. He squeezed it playfully.

"What I have in mind is way more fun, though." She whispered lowly, before crashing down her lips onto his own. Quickly, his tongue made its way inside her mouth to proceed their little moment in something much steamier.

However, their little bubble was burst when FP's landline rang. Emmy sighed frustratingly, and saw the doubt in FP's eyes. She took his face into her into her hands and smiled devilishly, wanting to take off where they had left.

"Let it ring," She whispered, before shoving his shirt up as a hint for him to take it off.

But no matter how much FP wanted to have sex right now, there was a thought that plagued his mind that he couldn't ignore.

"Sorry, it can be Alice. There might be something wrong." He tapped her hips, telling her to move aside, which she did with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

FP reached for the landline and immediately heard that his gut had been right. It was Alice on the other side.

"Al, what's going on? Everything alright?" He asked her calmly, even though his worried grew immediately.

"FP, I can't do this anymore. I don't sleep for one second, he keeps on crying and nothing seems to help. I don't know what to do, what if I am failing as a mother and I—" She was hysterically sobbing as she rambled on, until FP softly cut her off.

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