[32] Nostalgia

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Year 17...

The sun is shining bright on their faces as the four friends sit down on the bleachers, making themselves ready to watch the final game of the season between the Riverdale Bulldogs and the Baxter Ravens. Charles was playing, as usual, and as his biggest fans they had to see him winning once more.

"It's been a long time since we've been here." Alice recalled, looking at FP, who sat next to her.

"What do you mean, we go and watch all his games." He said, not following what she meant.

They never missed one moment in Charles' football career and they weren't planning on ever missing one. Both of them believed it was important for him to have his parents being there, supporting him, even on the stormy rainy game days.

"Yeah, but it's never been the four of us together. You and Fred were always out on the field. It feels like old times." She said, looking up at Fred behind her, who had Hermione close to his side.

"Well, and these bleachers call for a lot of old memories." FP said, grinning at her.

"Remember what we did there," He gestured for a spot in the corner and it didn't take long for the memory to resurface.

They had fooled around in a lot of places, but she easily recalled sneaking around with him after they had won a game, for her to show him proud she exactly was of him. However, that wasn't the only memory they had on this football field. It was the place where she had told him she was pregnant too and where they had decided to just be friends.

"How could I forget." She gushed, giggling a little. What she would give to feel that young again. They might not have been carefree, but she did try to enjoy life as much as she could.

"You two were always up to something." Hermione said, having heard the two speaking about their memories linked to this field.

"Guess we've always been partners in crime." Alice said, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia.

It could have been the place, the great weather or the fact that FP was sitting so close, but she couldn't stop the way her stomach filled with butterflies when she stared at him.

"Let's get something to drink before the game starts." Fred patted FP's shoulder from behind him, making him snap out of the staring contest he seemed to have started with Alice.

When they boys were out of sight, Hermione quickly sat next to Alice, wanting to know exactly what was going on between the two.

"What's with the flirting between you and FP?" She arched her eyebrow curiously, totally ready for any kind of gossip that she was about to reveal.

"We're not flirting." Alice defended, though not convincing.

Hermione gave her a knowing look, telling her to cut the lies.

"Alright, maybe a little." Alice confessed, with a teenage girlish giggle. Hermione chuckled. It had been a long time since she had seen Alice like this.

"But I shouldn't, I am with Hal." She told herself, firmly.

She knew that what she was doing was inappropriate and wished it was as easy as it seemed when she told herself to stop, but something about the whole situation made it impossible. She was drawn to FP like a magnet, like they were too opposite poles who's only purpose was being attracted to one another.

"I love him, Hermione." Alice said, more to convince herself than her best friend.

"About which of the two are you talking now?" Hermione said, finding this way too amusing.

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