[21] Thunderstorm on a Sunny Day

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Year 6...

After putting up the tent, Charles was happily running around the lake while FP, Alice, Hermione and Fred looked at him with smiles plastered over their faces. He had been looking forward to this weekend and was even more excited because tomorrow was his sixth birthday. He had barely slept from nerves and yet he still had lots of energy left.

"Come with Uncle Freddie, we're going to catch a few fishies for us to eat." Fred called him, as he collected some of the fish gear that they had taken with them. Charles immediately ran to his nonbiological Uncle and took the bait that was handed over to him.

"Fishies!" He squealed ethusiastically, his smile only growing more and more.

"Hop on." Fred bend down and Charles immediately jumped on his back. They ran off to the lake together, with Charles's laugh echoed around them.

"Don't worry, if they don't catch anything, I've got a take-out close by under my speed dial." Hermione smiled at the two parents, who looked at Fred and their son with a smile.

"Thank you for coming with us, I know this isn't really your scene." Alice said gratefully towards her friend.

Hermione had always been more of a hotel or resort kind of girl, but Charles had wanted so badly for Fred and Hermione to join them on his birthday weekend that they couldn't say anything but yes.

"Are you crazy? I love this so much. I don't know why I have never done this before. Besides, it was the perfect gift for his birthday." She smiled as she admitted that she had totally misjudged how much fun camping could be.

As a child she always went on the most luxury vacations but being out here in nature with her boyfriend and two best friends turned out to be a very nice change.

"He has been looking forward to this trip for weeks. Look at how happy he is." Alice looked at her son again and saw how Fred was helping him get the fish off the hook.

"Daddy! I caught a fishie!" Charles ran towards his father with the floundering fish in his hand, something that didn't even scare the boy.

"That's my boy! I made a campfire, so we can eat it. Does that sound good?" FP crouched down to his level and beamed proudly.

Charles nodded happily and he took his father's hand to walk towards the fire so they could eat the fish that he had caught.

"The campfire is so warm!" The almost six year walked closer to the flames to warm himself up, totally mesmerized by its beauty.

"Watch your hands, honey. We don't want you to get a burn." Alice warned him, making him walk back towards her immediately. He cuddled up close his mother, as if he wasn't planning on letter go ever again.

"Are you happy, sweetheart?" She asked him sweetly, feeling her heart glow with joy.

"I love you Mommy, I love you Daddy." The little boy said happily, as he gestured for his father to come closer. FP scooted over to them and gave his son a warm smile.

"We love you too." He promised him, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I love Uncle Freddie and Auntie Mione too." Charles ran over to the other side of the fire and jumped onto Fred's lap, to cuddle up close to him. The couple was almost like a second pair of parents to the boy.

"We do too." Hermione told him sweetly, before pressing a kiss on his cheek, making him giggle.

"Are you okay, Freddie?" FP asked, when he saw that his friend was slowly zoning out.

"Just tired, I forgot how exhausting camping can be." He yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes to stay awake, which was no use.

"We could go sleep early tonight and save some sleep for our hike tomorrow." Hermione said wisely, as she was getting tired herself.

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