[25] Welcome To The Family

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Year 10...

"I am still convinced it's going to be a girl." FP said, as he started the engine of his truck.

A few minutes ago they had gotten a call from Fred, sharing the news that Hermione was about to give birth to their child. The only people they wanted with them to meet their newest member to their family were their two best friends. It would soon be crowded with the Andres and Gomez family visiting the new kid, which is why they valued the little moment they would have with FP and Alice.

It almost felt like a flashback, only ten years ago it had been Fred and Hermione rushing to the hospital with Alice and FP in the backseat, an hour before Charles had been born.

"It's going to be a boy, I am telling you. Hermione thinks so too, and a mother is never wrong." Alice smirked, feeling confident that she was right.

"What do I get when you are wrong? The least we can do is make a bet out of this." FP grinned, knowing very well that she loved to make it interesting.

"Fine, if I am wrong, which I won't be, I will do your laundry for a month." She promised, believing that there was no way she could lose this. FP chuckled, it sounded like music to his ears.

"Deal. You hate doing laundry, I can't wait to see your face." He was amused by her confidence, even though both of them always had a chance of being wrong. In a matter of hours they would find out if her confidence had been justified.

"Hey, wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?"

Alice recalled the reason of why she was at his apartment in the first place, which was because he had something exciting to share with her. She had been all ears, but before he could even open his mouth, the phone had rang.

"Oh, I will tell you later. Wouldn't want to steal Fred's and Hermione's thunder today, it can wait." FP smiled sweetly at her. Today was all about their friends, everything else was secondary.

Alice wanted to protest and tell him that it didn't matter, that she could tell him and that she would keep it a secret for as long as he thought was necessary, but then he drove into the parking lot of the hospital and all her attention was fully focussed on her best friends who were about to become parents.


"It takes me back, being here." FP grinned, looking around the place he (luckily) rarely came. Charles was born here too, which after ten years felt like a lifetime ago. He could barely believe that those two eighteen year olds had grown up.

"It's crazy, isn't it? but Fred and Hermione are meant to be parents, I can't wait to meet the little one." Alice smiled happily.

She had been looking forward to this day ever since Hermione had told her that she was pregnant, mostly because she could see in her sparkling eyes how ready she was.

"And we're Godparents, starting today. Also kinda insane." FP sat down next to her and grinned to himself. He now understood what kind of honor it was.

A memory of Fred crying on the day Charles was born resurfaced and honestly he could finally understand the emotions that came with something special as your dearest friends becoming parents. It was totally different than getting a baby yourself, but he did understand the deep sentiment now.

"Alice? FP?" A soft voice called, which was Fred who poked his head out of the hospital room.

The two stood up immediately and smiled brightly at the new father, as they followed him inside the room. Hermione was staring down at her child, before locking eyes with her two best friends. She was eternally grateful to have them here today.

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