[24] Anywhere In The World Where You Are

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Year 9...

It had been some time, but finally the four friends were going to hang out together. They took their chance because Charles was staying over with a friend, or actually, his best friend called Chic. It gave FP and Alice the opportunity to hang out with Fred and Hermione.

FP was looking through the fridge on Elm Street, to find out if Alice had any soda in there for them to drink, but she either didn't have it, or he just wasn't looking well enough.

"Hey Al?" He questioned, as he turned around. FP expected for her to answer, but she was sitting at her dinner table, sunken deep into her own thoughts.

"Earth to Alice?" He joked lightly, to snap her out of her trance.

When she didn't say anything, he made his way over to her and placed his hand onto her shoulder.

"Huh?" Alice shook her head confused and only now realized she was in her own living room.

"Where are you with your mind?" He asked her softly, as he sat down next to her.

"Nothing. Just daydreaming." She dismissed it quickly, hoping that would be the end of it.

"Hmm, about who?" He teased her, assuming that she was thinking about a new guy she was dating.

"Not about a who. It doesn't matter, okay?" She said a little bit more firm this time, betraying how tense she was.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Alice stood up instantly, as she could sense that FP was picking up on her weird behavior.

FP followed her with his eyes, only growing more concerened with the second. She never minded if he joked around with her, so if she reacted like this then maybe there was something serious on her mind.

He looked at the dinner table and noticed the mail on top of it, including a letter that had been tucked back into the envelope. Could the answer of her suspicious behavior be in there?

He reached to grab it, but then reminded himself that he couldn't invade her privacy like that. Not only was it against the law, he needed to trust her. If it was really something bad, he was convinced she'd tell him.

Alice came back from the bathroom and poured them a cup of coffee (since the soda still had to get cold) and handed it over to him in silence.

"Al... you know you can tell me anything, right?" FP said carefully, not joking around anymore.

Alice softened a little. She wanted to, but she was afraid of how everything would change. She wasn't sure she was ready for that, not when she hadn't made a choice yet. Maybe it wasn't even necessary to tell him.

"I know. Thank you." She gave him a grateful smile.

"Fred and Hermione are almost there, let's grab the snacks." Alice stood up to walk over to the cabinet, but even when she looked more relaxed, FP couldn't help but still feel worried.


It had been an old school night of the four best friends together, something they all longed for. With Fred and FP running Andrews Constructions together, Alice having a full time job at the RIVW and Hermione running her own fashion line, it was hard to make time for one another.

However, when they did finally get together, it was the same as it had always been. They had just finished a movie that they had been watching absentmindedly, when Hermione suddenly remembered a conversation she had with Fred.

"Oh by the way, we wanted to take a trip to Europe. Would you like to join us? Charles can come too, of course." She gave the couple a smile. Going on a vacation with the five of them sounded just like what they needed.

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