[19] Priorities

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Year 4...

FP walked over to the Smith's trailer, since it was his turn to have Charles over a few days. He always looked forward to having him, the world just seemed a bit brighter with his son around. Bonding time was crucial when they were still young and FP was determined to make every second count.

"Hey, I'm here to pick up my boy." He chirped happily when he entered the trailer, until he saw that Charles was laying on the couch with more than one blanket wrapped around him. The boy was shivering.

"Al, what's going on?" He asked worriedly, as he hurried over to his son.

"He has a fever, a big one." Alice frowned as she felt his forehead for the thousandth time that evening.

"Oh no. Aren't you feeling okay, buddy?" FP sat next to his son and stroke the three year old's hair to the side.

"Tummy hurts." Charles mumbled quietly, as he looked at this father with droopy eyes.

"Cold." He added in a whisper, before closing his eyes again. The young boy's hands grabbed tightly to the blanket.

"Maybe he should stay here for the night, I know you have that big project starting tomorrow. I don't want you to be up all night." Alice offered, believing that it was the best choice for both FP and Charles.

"Al, it's fine. Charles always comes first. Besides, you need to sleep too. You've worked hard to earn your place at the RIVW." He told her sweetly.

Sure, it was going to be a long night but after three years he was used to it. Besides, he didn't want her to be exhausted tomorrow when she was doing so great at her internship.

Though it was still difficult, the last year she had managed to get some own assignments so that she could still make a little money no matter the learning position.

"But it still barely pays, I don't think taking a day off will be a problem. I'm just an intern after all." Alice shrugged, as she dabbed a cold towel on her son's head.

"A talented one." He smiled, making her smile back.

Their little moment was interrupted when Charles started to cry, the pain in his body becoming too much. For two parents, it was a heartbreaking sight.

"Hey, ssssh. Mommy and Daddy are both here. We're going to take care of you, okay little man?" FP pressed a kiss on his head and was so busy giving him attention, that he barley noticed that Alice's bedroom door opened.

Marcus came walking out, with a scowl on his face. FP swallowed for a second. He thought they had been alone and it was safe to say that the two were everything but fond of each other.

He was her newest boyfriend, who surprisingly already stayed around for months. He had believed it'd just last a few weeks, but it was surprising to see that he was still here.

"Why are you looking like that?" Alice asked him suspiciously.

"Nothing. Just need some air." He sighed and turned to the front door to get out. Before Marcus got the chance, Alice spoke up again.

"Why?" She asked confused, as he had been in her bedroom practically all night.

"The crying is a bit... much." He crossed his arms and eyed Charles in a way that infuriated Alice.

"He's in pain, but he is... bothering you?" She hissed, her body filling with fury towards the guy she was dating.

She could take a lot, but nobody was allowed to speak one bad word about Charles, certainly not when he was sick.

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