[22] Happily Ever After?

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Year 7...

FP made his way into the house on Elm Street and was welcomed with a fragerance from the kitchen that immediately made his stomach grumble.

Daniel, or Danny as his nickname said, was just closing his laptop when he noticed FP walking in. He smiled instantly. Over the past year, the two had become surprisingly close. Every worry FP ever had about his involvement in his son's life had completely vanished.

"Hey, bro! Good to see you!" FP greeted him cheerily, as he walked into the living room.

"FP! Great to see you too." Dan looked up and smiled at his friend.

"Smells good in here. What are you making, Al?" FP peeked his head into the kitchen to greet the mother of his child.

"Lasagna," She gave him a knowing look, telling him that she had made it especially for him.

"My favorite." He grinned and looked into the oven to see that it was almost done. If he didn't have hunger before, he definitely had it now.

But before his mouth could start to water, he heard the tiny footsteps of his son coming down the stairs. He had heard his father's voice and instantly ran towards him.

"There is my boy!" FP scooped him up and looked at him proudly.

Every single day he counted himself lucky that he was blessed with such a wonderful kid. He was his pride and joy.

"Did you grow overnight? Look how tall you are!" He said enthusiastically, making Charles laugh. He was measuring his body length every single day against the wall in his bedroom, so FP couldn't help it but give him a compliment.

"What do you have here?" FP looked at the exercise book in his hand, that he had opened.

"I want to show to you and Mommy!" The boy said happily, waving the book in front of his father's nose. He had been waiting all day to show his parents the work he was so proud of.

"Here, I'll set the table. You can look at his work." Danny grabbed the plates from Alice and gave her a sweet wink.

"Thank you, honey." She smiled gratefully and walked over to the couch, where FP had sat down with Charles.

"Let's see, what did you make at school today?" He held his son close and looked at what was written down onto the paper.

"What do you think love is?" Alice read out loud, smiling sweetly to Charles when he started to beam.

"Is that what you talked about at school today?" FP asked the seven year old, finding it adorable.

"Hmmm, do you know what I think love is?" Alice raised her eyebrow and gave her son a mischiveous smirk.

"A lot of kisses, and cuddles from my little man." She took his face into his hands and started to prep his cheeks with smooches.

"Al... look what he wrote down." FP said softly, his eyes glued to the paper.

He had trouble not tearing up. Alice looked up and took the note from him and swallowed when she saw what he had written down.

"I think that love is... Mommy and Daddy." She read, and met FP's eyes who she could feel was staring at her.

But that wasn't just anything. No, the seven year old had made a description of why he thought his parents were full of love. FP looked at the note again and started to read what still remained.

"Mommy cooks for Daddy. Daddy makes Mommy smile. They cuddle when they are sad. They are best friends. Daddy brings Mommy ice cream when she cries. I think Mommy loves Daddy and Daddy loves Mommy a lot. They love me, too." He smiled to himself and tightened the arm he had around Charles. That such a young soul could pick up on so many signs was unbelievable to him.

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