[11] Final Game

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TW: physical/emotional abuse

FP strolled towards his trailer after practice, his bag with his dirty uniform draped over his shoulder. He was in a great mood, feeling that they had a big chance to win football season this year.

They trained hard, they had discipline and were in better condition than they had ever been. And the part that made him most happy? His talents got acknowledged. He was by far their best player.

"Junior? How was practice?" His father grumbled from on the couch, a half empty beer bottle in his hand.

FP would have barely noticed his presence if he hadn't spoken up. It was unusual for his father to pay any attention to him, unless he needed someone to put his anger on. He was about to find out that the latter was true.

"It was fine, Dad. I think we can beat the Baxter Ravens." FP dared to give a proud smile, as for the first time in forever he felt like he was accomplishing something that was actually worth something.

"Hmm." Senior groaned judgemental.

"What?" FP turned around to face him, having a gut feeling that his father was going to turn his mood around very quick. He always knew a way to make him feel bad about anything that gave him joy.

"High School football is a waste of time." His father shot him an annoyed look. He'd rather have him spending his free time picking up a job, instead of running around on a grassfield.

"It's the only thing I'm good at, Dad." FP argued with him.

"Maybe even my only chance to go to college." He added in a whisper, something his father heard nonetheless. They never talked about college. It was a no go, off limits.

"Jones men don't go to college." His father said simply, as if FP's fate had already been written and he didn't have any power to change it.

"Besides, you're next in line for the throne. When I retire you have to lead the gang."

He pointed his bottle at him, reminding his son of what was waiting for him after high school. It was what he had always expected from FP, but the more he had thought about it, the more FP realized that maybe he didn't want that.

"And what if that's not what I want?" FP chose to go until full attack, something he didn't do often when it came to his father.

It always seemed useless, like a fight he wouldn't win. But he wasn't going to let anyone else but himself determine what was in store for him in the future.

"You don't have a choice." His father stated, wanting to leave it at that.

His son was going to wear the crown, no matter what. But FP wasn't going to give up that easily. He was a fighter, and he was going to show that he wasn't scared anymore, even when his gut told him to be.

"First thing I'll do is outlaw these old traditions." He told him firmly, his eyes twinkling with a passionate spark that had never been there before. He had made a promise towards Alice, and this was his time to put action to his words.

"What did you just say?" Senior hissed, his nostrils flaring as he got off the couch to make his way towards his son. He was way broader and taller than FP was, but he didn't want to stay silent anymore. He wanted to win.

"You heard me." He stood his ground and took a step into his father's direction, trying his hardest to not let himself be intimidated.

"You think you can do it better than me, huh?" Senior came real close to his face and narrowed his eyes at his son, his blood boiling with anger. He wouldn't be disobeyed, not even by his son.

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