[5] Teddybear

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Alice had just slung her arms into her Serpent jacket when she made her way out of her trailer, on her way to the Whyte Wyrm. It was a Saturday night and she was about to really wash away all the stress from school and her home situation.

It had become a habit to ask FP to join her or vice versa, which is why she made her way over to his trailer. The closer she came, the more she became aware of the yelling that came from the Joneses household, making her stop in her tracks.

FP came out his trailer with two garbage bags in his hands, fully filled with a mix of still unopened beer cans and hard liquor bottles.

"Junior! Don't you dare throw that away!" Senior yelled behind him, as he made an attempt to follow his son outside without falling down immediately.

"How else are you getting sober, Dad? Huh?" FP turned around with his eyes spitting fire.

He hadn't seen any other options but to clean the place, including all the alcohol that was still there. Maybe he'd learn to stay away if he couldn't reach it so easily.

"If you don't come back inside now..." His father threatened, the vein on his forehead pounding dangerously. He was beyond mad, and though FP should have been scared of what was about to come next, he was done not fighting back.

"Then what?! You're going to beat me up?!" He exclaimed loudly as he threw the bags aside, ready to defend himself. Forsythe balled his fist and wanted to get down the small stairs to take FP by his collar, but a voice made him freeze.

"Hey...." Alice had made her way over to the father and son, successfully stopping a situation that could have ended terribly.

She couldn't have helped but to overhear and though her heart was beating in her chest because of the words she had heard FP say, first she needed to look as calmly as possible so she could get him out of there.

"Al..." FP swallowed as his eyes softened upon looking at her. He was scared of what she might have heard or might have seen.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Wyrm with me, have a drink?" Alice asked innocently, her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket.

Her cheeks were blushing, not only from anxiety, but because of the tension that hang around them ever since they had kissed.

"Sure, yeah.. I'd like that." FP gave her a soft smile and eyed his father once more, telling him not to even think about going to the Whyrm that night. However, he was already looking at the girl that had joined them, remembering her all too well.

"Alice Smith... the girl that beat up that Ghoulie." Forsythe mumbled. She had truly impressed him and he knew better than to make her his enemy.

"You're a tough one." He pointed his finger at her, before turning around to walk back into his trailer to collapse onto the couch as he did every single night.

As soon as FP heard the door slam shut, he felt like he could breathe again.


Once at the bar the two planned just to chat away, play some darts and maybe some of the arcade games, but it seemed that trouble was always following them. Two other Serpents made their way towards the bar as soon as they spotted the girl with the long brown curls.

"Alice Susanna Smith." Viper smiled smugly as he slung his arm around her.

"What do you want, Viper?" She scolded, as she threw away his arm from her body.

"Strip for us. Come on, you still haven't done it." He teased her, his face so close to hers that his breath ghosted over her skin. She immediately turned her head aside, frowning confused.

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