[6] Born For Trouble

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FP yawned loudly when he shuffled out of the bedroom, and made his way towards the kitchen. It was a little past seven, and he thought that if they wanted to make it to school on time for a change, they should get out of bed, have some breakfast and be on their way. When he woke up with Alice cuddled up to his side, he had let his finger strike through her hair before he decided to let her sleep just a little longer.

When he looked in the fridge, he noticed there wasn't so much that he could turn into breakfast, but at least there were some eggs that seemed to be useful.

FP turned on the heat and broke the eggs for them to fall into the frying pan. There was some bacon left too, which he threw in with the eggs to make it a full meal.

He was in his own little bubble until he heard the woman on the couch softly stirr in her sleep, before she opened her eyes. They looked at each other for a brief second and suddenly FP felt very much aware of the fact that he was in the Smith trailer, without asking her for permission.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were awake..." He excused himself, afraid that him cooking breakfast was the thing that had woken her up.

"Who are you?" Alice's Mom pushed herself up a little and frowned at the young man at the kitchen block. Her sight was to blurry to recognize the boy.

"FP Jones. I live a few trailers ahead." He told her friendly, as he tried to give her a warm smile. It was hard, since Alice told him what kind of trouble she got into because of her mother.

"Hmmm. I remember you. You used to hang out with my daughter a lot. You're very handsome." She smirked just slightly as she eyed the boy up and down like some piece of meat. It made him feel uncomfortable.

"Thank you, ma'am." FP said a little awkwardly.

At the same time, Alice's bedroom door opened, revealing her with her messy curls in the threshold. She made her way towards the duo with a small frown on her face.

"I bet the two of you had fun last night, huh? I had when I was Alice's age. The things I've done... " She gloated with twinkling eyes, but didn't give away any details when she saw the look of disgust on her daughter's face.

"She gets that from me, you know?" She eyed FP again and gave the boy a playful wink, that only made Alice feel more and more uncomfortable.

"Mom, please. Don't." She interrupted sternly. Alice wasn't in the mood to discuss her sex-life with her mother, not now, not ever.

"Am I embarrassing you, darling?" She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at her teenage daughter. As a response, Alice rolled her eyes annoyed and turned towards FP so she wouldn't have to look at her any longer.

"You made breakfast?" She said softly, when she noticed the scrambled eggs.

"Yeah... you had a few eggs and some bacon, so I thought I'd try something. I'm not the greatest cook though, sorry."

He put it down for her on a plate and handed it over with a chuckle, hoping that it would be good enough to eat. She looked at him for a few seconds with a look that he couldn't quite understand, but then smiled.

FP handed over another plate to her mother, who looked up in surprise.

"That's for me? Wow. More than my hook-ups ever did. Lucky bastard you are, Alice." Her mother chuckled, but Alice couldn't laugh. She knew her past with one night stands all too well.

"I wanna go to school." Alice shoved her plate aside. Though it was delicious, her mother had easily ruined her appetite.

"Alright, we can take my bike when you are ready." FP gave her a warm smile, somehow sensing that she needed it. Honestly, he was still on cloud nine after the night they had spent and he wasn't ready for that to be over.

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