[13] Match Made In Heaven

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Alice was sitting on the stairs leading to her trailer, enjoying her little moment of silence as her lungs filled with smoke. This was her moment of peace. Just her, the sound of some birds around her and the sensation of her morning cigarette. All seemed well for just a little while. Her little bubble of alone time burst when FP came strolling her way, sending her a smile as soon as they had eye contact.

"Hey. I was just looking for you." He said softly, as he sat down next to her.

"Well, this is my trailer. Big chances of finding me here." Alice teased, a smirk curling onto her lips.

With anyone else she would have made a remark that would let know that she wanted to be alone, but FP was the only person she'd rather be with than just herself. Though she had just made a little joke, the frown on his face didn't seem to vanish. In fact, it didn't even seem like he knew he wasn't looking all too cheery. 

"Everything alright?" She asked worriedly, and threw away her cigarette into the travel to fully focus on her friend.

"Yeah... I guess." He shrugged a little nonchalant, but he wasn't even convinced of his own words, let alone that she would believe him.

"FP, don't lie to me." She said softly, but firm.

If there was one thing she had learned from their friendship, is that they were both masters in pretending that everything was alright, when it was far from the truth. But she had known him for so long, that he couldn't even lie to her even if he tried.

FP exhaled deeply as he searched for the right words. Ever since he got his cast, things had changed. The future he had once dreamed off seemed to have vanished. He felt like giving up like he had never done before. Maybe he lost the war.

"I've been thinking about what my Dad said, about me being next in line to become King... maybe I should just accept it." He said quietly as he looked down at his shoes, afraid to look into her eyes and see her disappointment. He could bear anyone looking at him like that, but not Alice. Never Alice.

"Fighting him has never paid off." He held up his broken wrist to strengthen his point, and though he let out a small chuckle, Alice didn't laugh with him.

"Why don't you want it?" She asked him, genuinely curious.

Alice believed that as Serpent King, FP could make a real change in town and maybe even solve the never ending feud between the North- and Southside. He could make the Serpents a better, more respected gang.

"I've always dreamed of a life outside of this dunk. But maybe that's just not for me." He said sadly, his eyes filling with tears.

It had taken him some time to realize that maybe he couldn't outrun his faith, no matter how hard he tried. From the moment he was born, life had been written for him, including his inevitable role as Serpent King.

"FP, you can do both. You can be King and go to college." She placed her hand on his bicep to give it a comfortable squeeze, feeling heartbroken that he would give up on his dream because of something his father did. She believed in him, more than he would ever do himself.

"How?" He dared to look up at her again, trying his hardest not to show that he was genuinely concerned about his future.

She was the only one who he could show this kind of vulnerability too, and yet he felt too scared to open that door, afraid he would get into a dark place and never get out.

"You'll figure it out." Alice laid her head against his shoulder, not sure what the right words to say to someone who was ready to give up on his dreams.

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