[15] Hello, My Son

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"Alice, are you sure we don't have to go to the hospital?" Hermione came back with two sodas from the vending machine as they sat down on the couch at the student lounge.

Their break had started barely ten minutes ago, just when Alice had made loud and clear that she got contractions. Hermione had said instantly that they had to bring her to the hospital because she was about to have a baby, but according to Alice it could still be hours. If she would sit down, she'd be fine.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just thirsty." In one swift move she opened the can, a sizzling sound sounding like an echo through the lounge.

But just before she could take a sip, another contraction hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Fucking hell, why do these have to hurt so bad? A simple hint would be more than enough." She complained, while clutching her stomach.

"Still sure?" Hermione asked nervously, seeing the cloud of Alice's labour above their heads.

Alice was a tough girl, but she wished for once that she would just listen to her body and let her be taken care of.

"Yeah, of course I am..." Alice smiled through the pain but before she could even finish her sentence, she froze.

No matter how hard she was trying to ignore the fact that she was about to give birth, there was no denying it any longer.

Her water had broken.

"Okay, I might be in labor, yeah." She said, slightly panicking.

Alice tried to remain calm by using the breathing pattern that she and FP had learned in the Lamaze classes they had taken together (a gift fully paid by Hermione), but her mind went totally blanc when she realized she was about to become a mother.

"Okay, okay, no panic! I will get FP!" Hermione said rushed, adrenaline flowing through her veins.

"It's fine, I can go get him." Alice said calmly and wanted to get up to stroll her way through the halls of their high school, but her friend held her back.

"No way, you stay put. Just give me one second!" Hermione wanted to run away, but then Alice remembered something crucial.

"Mione, the boys just had football practice. They are in the showers, we have to wait at least fifteen minutes." And though Alice believed she could manage until then, another contraction made its presence known. The deep groan she let out was enough to convince Hermione that they were in a rush.

"I don't care, I will be right back! Don't move!" This time, she truly ran towards the hallways and turned around once more to take a look at Alice, who was still trying to get out of the couch.

"I said don't move!" She yelled, before disappearing and having Alice roll her eyes while she defeatedly let herself fall back into the couch.


A wild echo of boy's laughter and locker room talk is what she was met with when she entered the only place in the school she wasn't allowed to come. The boys inside quickly made that known that there was an intruder, as they protested loudly upon seeing the girl, covering themselves with any towel they could reach.

"Andrews, tell your girl to get out of here!" Marty yelled annoyed, giving him a glare.

"Oh please, as if anyone wants to see you naked, Mantle." Fred shot back, a frown almost permanently on his face because of how annoyed he made him.

"Where is FP?" Hermione asked Fred in a rush, completely ignoring the disapproving looks and words from the boys around them.

As if he was summoned, FP came strolling out of the showers with a towel low on his waist as he tried to dry his hair with another one. She didn't wait for Fred's answer, instead ran towards her friend.

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