[10] Serpent Dance

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FP was leaning against the bar, a smug smile on his face as she challenged Viper and Mustang. Just as he and Alice had talked about, he would try to convince them to play a bet, one they controlled.

It was up to FP to make sure they would bet against her doing the dance, so they could make a little extra money. It seemed to be working, because when FP told them he'd get her to do the dance, their eyes basically bulged out of their head.

"You think you can do that? Dude, she crushed my balls because I was asking her about it." Viper recalled it all too well. There was no bone in his body that believed any man could convince her to strip, not even FP.

"Yeah, well, got her wrapped around my finger, Viper." FP gloated, his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

As long as he could keep up this act, he knew they were going to succeed. Neither Viper or Mustang was smart enough to see through their plans.

"Alright. Game on. I say she won't do that." Viper stuck his hand out for FP to shake, to make the bet official.

"Yeah, me neither. She'll kick your ass." Mustang followed his gesture.

Though he didn't doubt that Alice was closer with FP than anyone else in the Serpents, she had made her thoughts about the dance very clear.

"She is a fremelist and all, she'll never listen to a man." He stated, before taking a long sip from his beer.

"A feminist, Mustang." FP corrected him with a scowl.

"Whatever." He shrugged, not being impressed.

"That Alice girl, she's a dominant one. She needs a man who puts her back into her place." Viper's eyes had land on Alice, who was standing at the arcade games in the back of the bar, where she was playing Burger Chef with one of the other Serpent girls.

"We'll see about that." FP gritted through his teeth, having trouble keeping up his disguise. If it was up to him, he would have beat him right there and then for keeping her name in his mouth.

"Tell us more about her. How is she in the sack?" Mustang elbowed FP, wanting nothing more than the detail juice of their sex life.

It was no secret that Alice was admired by a lot of male Serpents, who didn't even bother to hide that they were always drooling all over her.

"None of your business." FP quickly took a sip of his beer to keep his cool, his blood boiling heavily the more they spoke.

"What are you getting defensive for? She's not your girlfriend is she? Learn to share, Jones." Viper slapped his chest with the back of his hand, his eye brow arching suspiciously.

"She's not, but—" FP started to stammer, not sure how to label his relationship with Alice. She might not be his girlfriend, but they were more than just friends, weren't they?

"Can't wait to bring her home. I have a thousand things I want to do with her." Viper's eyes were glued on Alice's backside for afar, a smirk curling on his lips as his mind wandered through his dirty fantasies.

"She's human, Mustang. Not a piece of meat." FP barked annoyed, his doubt to this plan only growing.

He couldn't help but feel extremely angry every single time one of them said something inappropriate about her, as if she only existed for their pleasure. She was so much more than that. Hell, no woman deserved to be talked about like that, he thought. He was no saint, but this was going too far.

"Getting sensitive over a girl, Jones?" Viper laughed, finding it hilarious that he'd stand up for her like that. All guys joined in talks like these. Having someone distance himself from that was very rare.

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