[34] Will They, Won't They

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"God, Alice... that felt so good." FP growled, pinching the bridge of his nose while trying to regulate his breath.

The couple had missed many years together, but ever since their first date they had been making up for every touch they didn't get. It was definitely the honeymoon phase of their relationship, which FP believed would just never end.

Alice came back up from under the sheets, smiling wickedly. She crawled up his body and pecked a loving kiss to his lips.

"I'm going to get used to being woken up like this every morning." He hummed, letting his hands tangle in her blonde hair while he kissed her lazily.

"Let me return the favor," He whispered, as he tapped her hips for her to turn on her back. However, Alice glanced at the clock and realized they were late.

"We are seeing Fred and Hermione in a bit, there is no time." She said, her fingers tickling his chest.

"Hmm, I'll save it for tomorrow morning then." He kissed her once more, before letting Alice crawl off him.

He still stayed in bed, leaning on his elbow with the sheets low on his waist. FP knew he needed to get out, but he just loved looking at her. She was dressed in one of his shirts, and it reminded me of how she had looked when they were teenagers. Her beauty was everlasting.

"What do you think they'll say?" Alice wondered, laughing a little as she looked at him through the mirror of her dresser.

"Fred will absolutely go nuts, but in a good way." FP chuckled. It was definitely going to be fun.

"Hermione will give me a lot of I told you so's." Alice said shaking her head with a smile.

"She knew I loved you. Fred did too, actually." FP said softly. Alice turned her head, her eyes sweet and innocent. She walked over to the bed again and sat on the edge, facing him.

"I never said those words out loud to them, but they knew." He blushed a little, but Alice only smiled.

She knew exactly what he meant. Everyone had known, but if two people had seen them pretend not to love each other for eighteen years, it was them.

"If they weren't such great friends, they would've spilled that secret, I guess." He chuckled a little.

They had never said a word, proving that they had always kept that secret, knowing that overstepping could be fatal.

Alice face fell a little, as if she suddenly thought about something else, something that was taking over her mind.

"Are you alright?" He asked her, reaching up with his hand to softly stroke her upper arm.

"Yes..." She said, giving him a small smile. FP arched his eyebrow, not being convinced.

"I was just thinking about how every holiday I had I always longed to get back to work... but now I am with you and I never want to go back." She said lovingly.

In every relationship she had, she had always drowned herself in work. Alice didn't want to run, but in the end she always did. It kept her mind busy, it kept her going. But now she was with the love of her life, and she never wanted anything else. She had no reason to run anymore.

"We'll soak up every minute." He promised, before pulling her head towards him to press a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"Do you think you'll still be able to work with Hal?" It was a question he was almost afraid to ask, but he wondered if it was going to be hard for her.

"I will totally support you if that's what you want, I just figured it could be painful." He added immediately, before she'd think he wasn't okay with them working together.

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