Chapter 54

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Authors note:
hey guys I'd like to apologize for the unannounced hiatus. I put the story on pause because I didn't have my usual confidence in my writing. Despite the trouble I present to you this chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Amity POV

It's been a week. A week since we've talked to Luna. No attacks. No confrontations. Just peace. Like a sweet taste of what it would be like without belos.

"Ok I have everything I need for the time being. I'll be staying at my mom's places. "Luz explains as she grabs her bag. She gives king a kiss on his forehead and heads for the door. I didn't want her to leave and I've voiced it in the past week. She won't listen. I look out the window feeling her eyes on me. I ignore her and stare into the tree line.

"Luz I'll walk you to the portal" I state as I get up and grab her hand. I make a small circle motion with my hand and I feel Eda tense. I lead luz outside and keep my eyes on the trees as Luz opens the portal.

"So Amity. I know you don't want me to but I'll be back soo-" she gets cut off by me grabbing the arrow shot at her. Within seconds a small troupe of guards appear.

"Well well what do we have here?" Belos says as he reveals himself from the shadows. Luz pulls out glyphs ready to fight back. Belos waves his hand and Calamity stumbles out of the forest.

"I really hate being me." She complains as she falls to her knees. Belos clutches his fists and calamity freezes and tries to breath "I get it I get it you egotistical manipulative manica" he un clutches his fist.

"Do what we discussed You worthless piece of glob" Belos says coldly. I glare at Calamity breaking the arrow in half. Calamity staggered to her feet unwillingly. She charges at me drawing her sword. I run at her slamming my fist into her face. She staggers back. Pointing her sword at me. I notice Luz struggling with some of the guards and draw 2 spell circles. 2 abominations appear and rush to help Luz. I duck as Calamity swings her sword. she punches me in the stomach before kicking me in the chest. I fall back looking up at her.

"im really sorry Amity but this is your end" she raises her sword and strikes down. i form my own shadow sword and block her sword.

"Where the hell is Luna?" i whisper as i push on my sword.

"She's not here. Belos found out. He's here to kill Luz." she whispers back as she knocks the sword from my hand and kicks me in the chest again.

"not on my watch" i kick her in the knee breaking her leg. I watch as Calamity collapses holding her leg. Belos walks up besides me.

"Useless blob" i feel something pierce my side. A burning feeling like if i was touched with hot coals. i hold onto my side as i look at belos. i look down to see a golden sword. how is this hurting me more then it should?

"You were quite a powerful witch Amity." He pushes the sword deeper. As i let myself fall to the floor, there was a ringing in my ears. I couldn't hear anything. Not the shouts from the twins or What Calamity was saying. I stared at the sky watching the clouds float by.

"Amity!" Luz kneels besides me. she studies the wound when the sword is pulled out sharply. i screw my eyes shut stifling a scream of pain. Belos waves his hand and Luz is thrown to the side. i stagger to my feet the best i can as Belos throws spell after spell at Luz. Luz dodging and counterattacking each one. shakily i draw a spell circle aiming at belos. a fire ball shoots at him hitting him in the back.

"Can't anyone see that this isn't their fight" he waves his hand and he throws me to the ground. I struggle to get up and I notice I'm near the portal. I notice Luz started to get overwhelmed with the attackes and glances at my siblings. they nodded and rushed to her side. i looked down at my wound and drew a spell circle.

"Thank goodness for Viney"  i sigh as the pain lessens. i draw another and i can almost not feel the pain. i get up and rush to help My siblings. i form a sword and just when belos was going to strike Ed i blocked him. i draw a spell circle and punch my hand through it. He swings his sword at me and i block it again. He waves his hand and im thrown into the air

"I'm starting to get real tired of this bastard" i start to fall back down i shift into a bat and fly over to Luz.

"You have to get to the portal Luz." i help her up, punching one of the goons in the face.

"But what about you Amity. i cant leave you here"  Luz says worriedly as she takes my hand. I smiles softly, i gently push her behind me and kick the good in the groin.

"Luz i love you and everything but you need to go to the human realm. you'll be safer their" I pull her in the direction of the portal. she pulls away, "Amity im not going. not without you"

"Luz- " I catch an arrow that was going her way "there is very little time to discuss this Luz. You need to go through" Luz goes to talk but she is cut off by a red glow surrounding her and throwing her into a tree. I turn to belos to see that he had just finished throwing Ed to the ground. i draw a spell circle and summon an abomination. i point at belos and it rushes in his direction.  I rush over to the tree

"Are you ok Luz?" i look up at her worriedly

"Yeah just peachy. lovely view from here dont you think." she gave me a deadpanned look "Get me down Blight"  i giggle and use the tree to jump up and grab her arm. I pull her down into my arms.

"Thank you. about the portal he wont let me close enough. We need to take him out before the others. thanks to Eda and Lilith most of the troups are out. leaving Belos alone." she glares at Belos who was throwing spell after spell at Eda.

"We can't take him out Luna said we needed the spells." I take her hand and lead her to the portal.

"The others will be able to distract belos enough to get through and get away" I glance at belos before looking at luz "I'll see you soon I know it. We'll be together again"

Luz looks over my shoulder at belos then looks at me, "I love you amity." She kisses my head and starts to walk to the portal. I smile softly that smile soon fading as I feel myself being thrown into the sky. I brace for impact as I feel myself fall back. My body makes a sicking crack as I slam into the ground.

Belos throws a large fire ball at Luz. In a quick panic I shoot my arm up using the shadows to create armor around Luz. The fire ball hit her sending her into the portal. I stagger to my feet before falling onto my back again.

"I hope you enjoyed your time with her. She won't be coming back" belos throws a fireball at the portal. The portal pieces flying away from the flaming center.

"N-no!" I shout in grief as I crawl closer to the shards. I gently take  one of them in my hand and look at it in disbelief. Belos waves his hand and ever shard are collected.  I cradle the one in my hand close to my chest as he turns away.

"Till next time little blight" he walks away pulling calamity with him. I watch them as they   Fall back. I curl up on my side hugging the shred.


"Father what is the meaning of this" Luna shouts as she storms into the thrown room.

"Luna!" Calamity reaches out to her hoping to be freed from her captor. Luna rushes to her side gently cupping her face. She shoots up into a standing position when she feels her father walk into the room.

"We were just picking something up from your dear sister." Belos says as he walks up to her "we've collected what we wanted traitor" he plunges a knife into her side.

"Luna!" Calamity shouts as she tries to get to her feet. Belos kisses his daughter head as he scream fills the room.

"I'm sorry my daughter." He says gently as he pulls her into his chest. As the blood trickles down her mouth she tries to breath

"she'll be back" she says weakly as belos lets her go. Her body falling limp in front of her best friend.

"L-Luna. Please please don't be dead please" calamity cradles her body close to her sobbing into her chest. Belos leaves the room motioning for the guards to do the same. And all through the castle the only sound you can hear are the sobs and shouts of a heartbroken friend.

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