Chapter 48

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Amity POV

I raised an eyebrow at Luz," why do you wanna go there?" I tilt my head a little. Luz tenses up a little which doesnt go unnoticed. Lilith places a hand on her shoulder causing Luz to smile a little.

"Well i like your house. And I would like to talk to your mom for a second." Luz says as she scratches the back of her neck. I raise my eye brow once again but shrug. I gently take her hand and lead her and the others to my house.

"You guys go through the front I have to make sure of something in my room." I state as I line myself up with my bedroom window. Luz and the other looked at me with curiosity. I can't believe they sprouted a random prank war on me. Well I hope these traps have taught them a lesson on pranking me.

"Ami what are you doing?" Luz asked. I send her a tiny wave before sprinting towards the wall. I jump off the wall and grab onto the balcony. I balanced myself on the railing and jumped off grabbing onto the ledge of my window. I hiss a little as I pull myself into my room. The traps are triggered by my door.

I slowly walk over to the door and gently undo the trap. I go around my room undoing every trap I had made. I stand in the middle of my room admiring my work.

"Done good Blight. Done good." Suddenly I feel all the air being knocked out of me. My vision is blurred as I no longer feel myself on my floor. I feel the air g me wind rushing against my ears. I feel something slam against my body. I struggle to gain some air in my lungs.

"Shh shh Amity it's alright. Shh my love deep breaths." A gentle voice says as she gently creases my face. I gently peel my eyes open to see Luz. I take some deep breaths trying to fill my lungs with air. I gently push myself off of her and stager to my feet.

"Didnt i tell you to go inside" I ask as I hold my side. She nods before rushing to me,"yes you did but I had to make sure you were alright." I lean a little on her. She wraps her arms around my shoulder helping me. She lead me to the entrance of blight manor.

"I got you" she whispers as she helps me to the couch. I lean on her a little still struggling to breath. She holds me close to her making me sit on her lap.

"Oh Amity dear what happened?" Mom said as she rushed over. I felt Luz tense up and saw a hateful look in her eyes. What was that about?

"Amity! You alright" Em said as she rushed over. She still had her date outfit on. Wonder how her date with viney went?

"I swear that wasn't our prank mittens whoa!" Ed says as he trips falls onto the couch and somehow rolls off of it. Ed pops he's head up,"I swear we didn't put one in there. I couldn't even get in without getting pranked." I chuckle a little which was a very bad idea. Luz glares at my mom before gently placing a piece of paper on my ribs. I look at her a bit confused. She gently taps it and I begin to feel a little better. I point to my chest.

"Here please" she gently places one there before tapping it. I was able to start breathing properly. There was less pain. Luz gave me a gentle look before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"How do you feel amity?" Mother says as she looks over me slightly. Luz scowls a little her gaze stone cold as she stares at my mother. Luz clears her throat," may I talk to you Mrs.Blight... alone" my mother nods as she walks over to her study. Luz gently places me on the couch. She places a gentle kiss on my lips before pulling away and heading to my moms study.

"What is that about?" I ask as I look away from the door. I look over to Ed and Em to see Em taking off her shoes and sitting down by my feet.

"I have no idea." Ed says as she leans her back on the couch where I'm sitting,"how were your guys days? It has to be better then mine." I look over to Ed. He was covered in paint of varios different colors.

"Well I broke into the emperor's castle, beat a crap tone of the guards, freed Luz and...saw dad." I summarized. Ed nods in understanding. It's not like it's the first time I've snuck into the castle.

"Well i accidentally spilled my drink in Viney and got us kicked out of the restaurant" Em said as she leaned back,"but hey we had a good laugh as we walked to the manor. What about you Ed?"

"I failed to ask jerbo out again. It's so hard he's just sooo cute." Ed says as he covered his face with his hands,"and to make matters worse I embarrassed myself in front of him. Stupid prank back fired." I gently place my hand on his head and give him a pat.

"Just put your big boy pants bro. Then ask him out to a lovely dinner by the shore." I explain as if it was so easy. He looks up at me with a small smile before holding my hand in his.

"I'll man up sometime soon but you guys free on Friday? Us blights haven't hung out alone for quite a while. There's a fair tomorrow so what you say?" Ed said. I gave him a smile,"I'm for it. How about you Em."

"Hell yeah I am." Em says as she looks down at us. I grin at them. It's always fun to be with my siblings. Not that I'd ever willingly admit it. The door to my mothers office opens up to show both Luz and Mother glaring at one another.

"Have a pleasant night Luz." My mother said with something weird in her voice. Is that anger? Luz slowly walks over to me and pull me close into a hug.

"I love you Amity. So much." Luz whispered into my ear. I wrap my arms around her,"I love you too Luz." Luz gently pulls away all to soon. She presses a gentle kiss to my lips before heading to the door. Eda and the others give her a confused look before going after her.

"Ed, Em mind going into the market real quick. I need a few items for a potion. Can you get them for me." Mother said as she handed Em a list. Ed and Em glanced at one another before glancing at me. I give them a small nod and they slowly get up to get the items.

"I'll make sure to watch after Amity." Mother says with a weird look in her eye. I slowly get up off the couch. I don't like that look. That look is all to familiar.

"What's the potion for mother?" I back away slowly. "It's for a healing potion. Getting hit by that log must have been very painful." Log? Is that what I got hit with? How would she have kno-

" go up to your room my dear. I'll be up there soon." She turns away from me. I fearfully staggered upstairs and into my room. I look over to see that it was a log that had hit me. I hear the door behind me slam shut. I whip around to  see mother. She hits me on the head everything going black.

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