Chapter 47

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I cross my arms over my chest as Calamity keeps me in place. Her eyes were a bright red color. Just like Luna's. Even tho they were keeping me in place it was a gentle hold not quite a rough one. Luna every now and then would smile at me.

"Um boss. There is a um child over there." One of the guards pointed out. Luna snarled," I can see that dirt for brain" The guard shrunk into himself. A small scream cut the guards next sentence. A Large vine was throwing some of the guards. I look in awe as Amity teleports above the guards and starts throwing spells at them.

"Oh crap. This is bad." Calamity whispered as she shrunk into herself. Luna just laughed nervously. Amity drew a spell circle and a large abomination came out. She pointed to the guards then the wall. The abomination nodded and started sticking the guards to the wall.

"Is it me or do you hear laughing?" Luna asked as she now shrunk a little. Amity slammed another spell circle on the floor and vines sprouted out pinning guards to the wall. She smirked as she cracked her fingers.

"Either you let me pass or I will teach you a lesson. What will it be?" Amity said with an eerie tone. Some of the guards just walked themselves to the walls and sat down rocking themselves a little. Some decided to stay.

" Can you guys let me go please?" I ask politely as I notice a familiar looking owl slightly above us. Luna didn't say anything, all she did was look forward to Amity. Calamity looked over to me and shook her head,"sorry but no" I huff in defeat before turning back to Amity. She was fighting 4 guards at the same time. I growl every time someone was able to get a hit on her

"Let me go" I say as I look back at them. Luna shakes her head," No" I twist her arm making her let go of me. Calamity just let go of me. I run over to where Amity is and jump on one of the guards. Amity looked at me a little surprised. She smiled at me as she punched someone who was coming up behind her in the face.

"We make a good team don't we Blight" I say as i look over to Amity. She wasn't looking over to me; she was walking towards Calamity and Luna. her steps seemed slow as if she's trying not to go over to them. She looked over to them," Be careful of what you do next time. I won't be as forgiving" She turns away from them and looks over to me. She nods towards the exit. She looked extremely tired unlike before. She glanced above us.

"Owlbert come here please." Owlbert flew down and landed on her shoulder. Amity bit back a hiss of pain," Please go to Eda and take her back to the owl house. Luz follow Owlbert." She holds her side. We had made it across the bridge and were heading for the woods. I would norice that she was staying back. She leans against the tree.

"Owlbert take luz to Eda. Then lead them back to me, ok?" Owlbert nudged her with his head as she finished her sentence. I walk over to her," Im not leaving you Amity." She shakes her head with a tender smile," I'll just be slowing you down. Go find Eda." I Huff and cross my arms over my chest.

"No i refuse." I state. Amity chuckles before looking over at me," Do you have a better idea?" I smirk at her before scooping her into my arms. I look over to Owlbert," Lead us to Eda." He does as he's told and I follow close behind cradling Amity in my arms.

"Welp guess you did have a better idea." She whispered as she looked up at me. She nuzzles into my neck. I smile at her as i continue to follow Owlbert through the forest.

After a few minutes of following Owlbert we reached a clearing. I gently place Amity besides me.. She wraps her arm around my shoulder while mine goes around her waist keeping her up. There was no one there which was weird,"Owlbert? Are you sure this is the plac-" I was cut off by an axe swinging by my face. Amity takes a step back and shes slammed to the floor and begins to get dragged to a tree.

"Ami!" I grab her arm and step on the rope stopping it from moving. I quickly undo the knot on the rope giving freeing Amity. She flips herself onto her back looking at the sky. She goans as she facepalms," Those dumbasses put traps!" We heard the bush shuffling. Amity jumps up and pushes me behind her. She draws a spell circle.

"Ow OW OW!" A voice says as it comes out of the bushes. It was Lilith. Owlbert was pulling her hair getting her to follow him. WE heard laughing close behind Lily. Amity staggered back a little.

"Amity." I gently wrap my arm around her and lead her to a tree. I help her sit down. I kneel down beside her,"I think I used too much magic" I raised an eyebrow.

"You think there's so much abomination,fire, and vines in-" I began but got cut off by Eda.,"She destroyed the emorers coven without me?! Dang it!" I glare at her before turning to Amity. She shakes her head in amusement," Im fine. F. I. N E." She pushes herself off the floor and starts staggering a little.

"Lets get going please i dont wanna be here." Amity limps in the direction of the owl house. I glance at Lilith Then at Eda before we follow after her. I look around and notice willow had gotten over to Ami. And Gus was talking to Eda while lilith was pulling some twigs from her hair. I let my mind drift to the conversation I had with Calamity. I wonder if I beat her master if she'll be free...............Wait her master. She didn't say Mr. Blight she said Mrs. Blight. Her master's no Mr. Blight. Her master is Mrs. Blight.

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