Chapter 38

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Amity POV

The magenta light flickers as I draw another one. It sputters out. I stare down at my broken arm. I had woken up a while ago and decided to sit down by the couch. Luz was still out cold I must have tuckered her out. I try to draw another spell circle but it flashes a few times before completely going out. I run my hand through my hair. I get up from the floor and head to the patio. I point my finger at the pit and draw a spell circle. A small flame erupted from my hand for only 3 seconds. It was small and a short amount of time but I was able to light the fire. I stagger to the stack of wood. I grab a few before walking back. I hear familiar steps approach me. They weren't hostile though.

"What are you doing out here Amity? And without a jacket." Ms.Noceda asked as she walked closer to me. I throw in another log,"just enjoying a the silence out here. Would you like to join me?" Ms.Noceda reluctantly sits besides me. I poke at the fire with a stick.

"When can I get the cast off my arm?" I ask as Look up at my girlfriend's mother. She sends me a small smile,"it depends on how quickly you heal. But we aren't sure. Most kids I see when they brake their arms are cry because of the pain. How come you where not?" I shift a little. I look at my casted arm.

"I...I had worse before." I say in a low whisper. I poke at the fire once again. We both look upon a hurry when we heard a thud and a crash. Luz rushes out the door and trips. She stumbles to her feet and rushes towards us. She gently cups my face and tilts it in every direction.

"Ok good your not hurt." Luz says as she pulls away,"you really have to stop with the running off. I thought something bad had happened." She glances at the fire before pulling me a little bit away from the pit.

"Did you take the potion?" Luz asks as she gently takes my hand in her own. I give her a nod and lean on her. Ms.Noceda sends us a smiles. Luz places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"How much sleep did you get?" She asks as she runs her hand through my hair. I let out an involuntary purr, but I didn't care. I shrug. Luz gave me a gentle yet serious look. She looks down at me then looks straight forwards.

"..I'll...I'll go get you a shirt or something." Luz says before rushing into the house. A little while later we hear a muffled scream and thumping. Luz comes back out side and hands me an Azura shirt. I pull it over my head. It was a little big but comfortable non the less. Luz stares for a little before turning around clearing her throat.

"We have to get you to the boiling soon. Your mother and mentor will kill me if I bring you home late." Luz says as she turns back towards us a faint blush in her face. I cross my arms,"but we never got to explore the human realm." I pout a little. Luz shakes her head in amusement before pulling me into a hug.

"Mi querida(my dear) I'll take you to one of my spots then... I'll take you home I don't want you to get hurt or sick." Luz explains as she gently ran her fingers through my hair. I give her a nod as I wrap my arms around her. Luz pulls away.

"What happened to the other cookies?" Luz asked as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. I look everywhere but at her. Luz walked in front of me and gently tilted my head up to look at her. Camilia raises an eyebrow since I didn't answer.

"I...i Um...I finished Burning them." I say as I look her in the eyes. Luz groaned,"Amiii they tasted good. I wanted more cookies." I giggle at her reaction before ruffling her hair. I scratch behind her ears and trail my hand down to her chin before pulling away and walking into the house. Leaving a very flustered yet awestruck Luz.

-time skip-

It was about 7 Am at this point. Turns out I had woken up at 5 Am. So I wasted 2 whole hours looking at my arm and attempting to cast a spell. Away from Luz of course. I didn't want to worry her about me not being able to cast a spell. Eda on the other hand noticed.

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