Chapter 29

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I silently walk to the owl house and when I arrive I see that Lilith had gotten there. She looked to be upset and dejected. I clear my throat gaining her attention.

"Hey Lily. Wanna come inside? Eda must be doing something." I lead her inside and towards the kitchen. I put some boiling water on the stove and prepare the tea. I can tell she was upset and by the looks of it, it seemed to do with her date with Ms.Blight.I feel the families presence of my mentor.

"How many sugars Lily?" I ask as I gently place the tea cup in front of her. "Two thank you. Did Amity tell you?" I shake my head at her question as I put two tea spoons of sugar into her tea.

"I over heard the conversation." I state as I motion for King and Eda to come over. I stopped Eda from entering the kitchen,"can you get me the Hexside year book from when you where there?" Eda gives me a confused look before agreeing. I give a small tea cup with a lot of sugar to king. I fill a small mug with apple blood for Eda. She walks in and hands me the book.

"Thank you." I flip through the book until I found Angela Blight. There was a picture of a younger looking Ms.Blight wearing the dark purple Hexside uniform. Oracle. I place it on the table before drinking a little cup of tea.

"Did she explain why she rejected you?" I ask as I look up from the book. Lilith shakes her head. I shake my head in amusement,"she's a major in divination. She can tell the future or someone's fate." I point out her graduation picture,"she must have know something was going to happen to either you or her." Lilith had the beautiful sapphire ring in hand in cases in a velvet blue case. I gently push it over to her.

"You might just want to hold on to it. I mean I bring it everywhere with me." I state as I show her the necklace that's as meant for Amity. Lilith looked really surprised that I had gotten the ring already. I tuck it back into my shirt.

"We just have to figure out what she saw or figured out." I look over to king to see that he was running all around the living room laughing. Eda groaned in complaint. Lilith looks over time me,"how did you..?"

"I over heard your conversation with Amity. I've read this book over and over again. And I found out where each of you guys were at Hexside." I explain as I point out the different adults. There was one person I purposely crossed out with my claw. He used to be in the bard track. I open my mouth to say something but something, a familiar presence, stopped me.

"Stay quite and hit the lights." I order as I move closer to the window so I can see out of it but who ever was outside couldn't see me. The presence felt familiar and dangerous. I duck as Something is thrown through the window. I look at the thing that was thrown to see that it was a brick with a paper tied onto it. I take the paper and gently open it.

"Death threat from his royal pain in the a*s." I growl as I show the paper to Lilith and Eda. A small thud is heard from upstairs. I sneak over to the second floor ready for whatever it might be. When I felt the familiar presence of a certain vampire. I heard her growl and slam into the wall with a small oof. I peek past the door to see my familiar green haired girl and the girl that the death threat was about. She had fallen onto the floor.

"Amity what are you doing here?" I ask as I pull  the blanket she somehow managed to wrap herself in off of her

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"Amity what are you doing here?" I ask as I pull  the blanket she somehow managed to wrap herself in off of her. She smiles sheepishly,"Um I just wanted to make sure your okay." She seemed afraid yet relieved. I help her up and lead her downstairs. She was wearing a black hoodie over her grey shirt. He hair was loose and she was wearing long pants on an especially hot night.

"Look who decided not to sleep." I announced as I guide her to the others. There was a small knock at the door. I walk over and open the door to see Gus,Willow, Boscha, and Zora. I tilt my head in confusion.

"What are you guys-" I begin but the handed me a letter. Boscha seemed to be angry and by the looks of it this letter interrupted her time with Willow. I read each letter one by one. They were made by the same person. I smelled around when I smelled something off. It was coming from Amity. There was two different smells. One was familiar yet I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Did you get one, too?" I gently ask as I walk up to her. She stuffed her hands in her pocket shaking her head no. Her ears twitched. She's lying. I sit down besides her and grabbed her hand in mine. She sighs as she pulls out the letter she had. She goes to place it on my hand before throwing it into a fire.

"Oops." She says as she shrinks back. I message my temples. Gus walks over to the fire and focuses on something. I feel Amity tense up besides me. He picked up a hand full of blue ashes. Illusion. Amity looked down at her wrist before saying something inaudible and rushing to get out the door. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her down. I lean my head against her back making her freeze before calming down.

"Why did you lie?" I ask Amity sighed as she pulled out the letter and handed it to me. I gently open it and read what it said. I feel my blood boil and freeze at the same time. There are so many names some with stars some without. There was star at the top with the words most painful to watch. This one wasn't like the rest. It was more threatening. I found my name on the list it was inside a star rather Then being next to a star.

"I came to check on you. I had checked on my mom earlier. I was planing on just looking through the window and marking sure nothing hurt you then leave to check on the next." She murmurs as she looks at the ground. "I didn't mean to lie he said if anyone found out-" i stop her right there doing a double take.

"He was there. talking to you. Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" I ask as I look her over. She gets off of me and takes my hand leading me to my room. I was just as confused as everyone downstairs. Once were in my room she pulls off the jacket. I could already see the purple marks that were under her shirt. She pulled off her shirt and I could help but blush. She was practically half naked in front of me. My flushed state was quickly replaced with one of worry and anger.

"He...he did that to you?" I ask as I gently touch a bruise that laid on her shoulder. She nods a little as she limps to my bed. She pulls on her shirt before She rolls up on of her pant legs to reveal a deep gash on her leg. The familiar smell was her blood. She goes to stand up but I gently push her onto the bed. I look through my bag and find the roll of bandages. I gently wrap it around her leg. Wincing every time she would wince or hiss in pain.

"Get some rest. I'll be back up in a little bit I promise." I gently kiss her forehead. She didn't want to go to sleep she was basically trying to fight off sleep. She wasn't really wining. I smile down at her. She finally fell asleep so I stood up and walked towards the door. I walk downstairs anger evident on my face. I took a sip of a small purple elixir as I grab the yearbook and flip to the page where I found Theodore Blight. I retract my claw and slice at the picture until it's no more. I'm going to kill that bast*rd for touching her.

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