Chapter 12

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Amity's POV

Luz's phone began to ring soon after we had fallen. She saw that it was Willow. She put it on loud speaker and held it out so we would both hear it.

"Luz! You didn't kiss Amity did you?" Willow asked her voice urgent. Luz stiffened,"Um no why" we heard willow breath a sigh of relief,"it's because the potion can rub off on someone who makes contact with the person with the effects. This happens because of Amity's bite." Luz's eyes for wide.

"I'm what if, hypothetically speaking, I was to kiss Amity. Various times?" Luz asks as she glances at me. Willow sighs,"you kissed her didn't you? I'll be over as soon as possible. Don't kiss any more!" We heard a small 'can't keep their hands to themselves for a damn hour.' From the other line before it went dead. Was that Boscha?

"Mittens why don't you come with me?" Edric asked as he pulls me away from Luz. Emira places a hand on Luz's shoulder causing Luz to stiffen up. She glanced at me worry clearly evident on her face. Emira had a innocent look in her face but the dangerous glint in her eyes betrayed her. Edric pulled me up the stairs and towards my room.

"How did you get the Lust Potion?" He asks as he tries to smooth down my hair. He gives up and goes to my vanity. He grabs my brush and walks back over to me. He gently pushes me so I'm sitting down on the bed. He sat behind me and began to brush my hair.

"Um Amber she was about to shoot Luz with it. I pushed her away from the door and got shoot myself." I explain he hums as response ,"what was the call about?" It felt nice to talk to my brother.

"Willow said that if you interact with someone with the potion they'll get it too. Mainly because of the bite I had gotten." I state as I look at my hands. He begins to braid a small amounts of my hair," sorry about the bindings Mittens. I didn't mean to remind you about him." He says as she places a gentle kiss on my head before continuing beading my hair.

"It's okay. " I murmur as I gently rub at my wrists. I haven't cut in a while. Edric noticed this and gently pulled me into a hug.

He pulled something from his pocket and handed it to me

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He pulled something from his pocket and handed it to me.

"It's the antidote. Em should be giving Luz the antidote. Lilith prepares it as fast as possible you might get a little drowsy after you take it." Edric explains as I slowly drink the antidote. He tucks a stray strand on hair behind my ear. He stands up and walks toward my bookshelf. He pulls out a book and walks back towards me. He jumps into my bed he crawls over to my head rest and pats the spot besides him.

"Okay mittens lets read a book." He states as he opens the book. It was a book of fairy tales. He read it to me like when we where younger. With the silly voices and his illusion magic. I felt myself fee extremely tired all of a sudden. Edric smiles as I try to fight off sleep.

"Go on Mittens go to sleep. You need to rest. We can read more another time." Edric says as he gently closes the book and pulls the blanket up to my chin. He let the illusions play around in the air as he walked towards the door. I finally let sleep overtake me as the princess found her prince.

-time skip-

"You did what!?" I heard Edric shout from outside my door. I heard someone murmur something that I couldn't really hear. I walk to my door and place my ear to the door.

"I didn't mean to. She wasn't able to drink the antidote either." Emira said. I heard Edric groan,"the hex! She went to her house with the Lust potion." I gently open the door and peek outside. Emira has a clump of dark brown fur in one hand and a familiar ring in the other. I rush up to her and snatch the ring  away from her.

"This is really Important to Luz. Where is she!?" I ask as i clutch the ring close to me. Emira scratches the back of her neck,"um she got scared and ran out into the woods nearby." I roll my eyes and turn away from her. I close my eye and focus on Luz. 1...10...100 meters away. I open my eyes and turn back to Emira. She shrinks back a little.

"Antidote. Is willow here?" I ask Edric. He nods and motions towards the door. Emira hands me the antidote. I noticed the swishing be hind me and clutched at my tail. I point my finger at my sister.

"What did you do?" I ask sternly Emira lifts her hand defensively,"I only doused her in water. She jumped a little before rushing out. Wait... Amity we have to find her!" I face palm before taking her by the ear. I pull her down the stairs and put the door motioning for Edric and Willow to follow. I know she didn't tell me everything. I'll get it out of her even if I have to squeeze it out of her.

"Luz is in her wolf form. Running at least 100 meters in all directions. Edric you go East. Willow You will go West. Boscha you south. Emira and I will go North. Shoot a flare if you didn't find anything." I order as I begin dragging Emira by the ear North. I stop all of a sudden and try to see if I sense her. I heard a small whimper to my right. I let go of Emira and rush over to the sound.

"Luz!" I shout. nothing. I get tackled to the ground. It was ice. Covered in Snow. I look up to see what had tackled me to see that it was a cat like creature. It's fur Snow White. It wasn't growling at me or baring it's teeth. It was licking my cheek.

"Hey. Hey stop it." I sit up a little as the creature backs down a little. I hear another soft whimper. We both immediately stand up straight. The creature picks me up and puts me on its back before going towards Emira and picking her up. It rushes over to the sound. It took us to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a whimpering body.

"Luz?" I slowly get of the creature and walk over to the whimpering body. The body was wearing Luz's cloths but they were all torn up. I  kneel besides the body and gently stroked the hair from her face.

"Luz. What's the matter?" I ask gently as I stand up and lay besides her facing her. She slowly opens her eyes to look at me. She still had her wolf ears and tail. She whimpers a little when she sees me.

"Pain." Luz whispers as she curls into herself. I gently cup her face,"where does it hurt?" She points to her stomach. I saw that it was bleeding,"how?" She whimpered in pain before quietly saying,"Intruder."

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