Chapter 44

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Luz"s POV

I glare up at Belos as he throws another spell at me. I quickly duck making the spell past right over my head. I had escaped the cell and I found him in the throne room. The creepy heart in the back seemed to mirror my own. I threw dirt at his face. Thinking that it worked I made a mad dash to the door.

"Come on Luz. Come on. You have to get out of here. Come on." I repeat to myself. Just when I was about to place my hand on the handle. I felt his presence behind me. I slowly turn around with my hands where he can see them. He draws a spell circle and brings it close to me. He gently taps it and a flame appears. He presses it to my neck. I close my eyes expecting to feel pain.

" disappointing. Kikimora please get it ready while I get our guest to her cell." belos says as he places a gentle hand on my shoulder. He leads me silently to my cell. He gently pushes me into my cell.

"Please refrain from doing this again Luz." He says with a stern voice. He then turns around and whispers to a guard," Go get Luna immediately. I want her in the throne room by sun down today, what are you waiting for go and get her." The guard nods violently before running off. I go to the farthest wall away from the cell door and sit on the floor. I have to find another way to get out.

Luna POV

I walk down the hall letting go of some of the illusion spells. I cant keep using the spells without breaks or ill burn myself out. I lean against the wall as I throw my head back. Remember this is to both help mom and dad and save yourself. I push myself off the wall and redraw the spell circle. The spell circle fades away and I begin coughing. Why am I doing this. Im hurting myself over a stupid order my dad gave me. I'm gonna just free Luz and get as far away from that asshole.

"Aww fuck. Father's not gonna like this" i murmur as i slide onto the floor. I hold my side and throw my head back. You can do this. I close my eyes enjoying the silent hallway before pushing myself off the wall. I continue walking down the hallway. I glance at the window before taking a double take. There were a few coven guards outside.I quickly went to find a good hiding place. What are they doing here?

Amity"s POV

I sit in class doodling on my page when I get hit with a realisation. The mark in the back of "luz's" neck is the emperor's brand. Luz isn't in a coven. She wouldn't even get in the emperor's coven specifically. That's not Luz. I shoot up just when the bell rings.I quickly collect my things and dash out of the classroom. I dropped my things at my locker and began my search for willow. I looked all over the school. All but one palace. Of course she'd be here. She likes plants and is in the plant track.

"Willow? There you are." I say as I finally find her in the greenhouse. Willow turned to look at me a little confused as to why I was looking for her. I walk up to her and gently take the plant out of her hands. I place it on the table and grab her arm. I pull her out of the room and into a dark corner.

"Amity? What's the matter?" Willow as once I let her go. I began to pace a little slightly worried about Luz," have you seen "Luz" today?" I ask , quoting Luz's name. Willow tilted her head in confusion as to why I was quoting the name. Willow nodded nonetheless.

"Did you notice the branding mark on the back of her neck?" I ask Willow's eyes go wide," That wasn't Luz was it?" I shake my head," Nope that's an imposter. We have to find her. Maybe she knows where the real Luz is." willow nods in agreement with determination on her face. I turn to go back into the hallway and see "Luz" running down the hall. I quickly point her out to willow who begins running after her . I stand there in awe as Willow catches up to her in almost nothing.wait im supposed to be going after her too. Shit. I begin running after them.

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