Chapter 45

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Amity POv

I watch as Luna is dragged out of the school. I get ready to chase after them when Willows pulls on my arm.

"Amity we need to get help we can't just break Luz out by ourselves." Willow says as she lets go of my arm. I glance back towards the guards. I pull my hood over my head ready to chase after them.

"You go look for help ill follow close behind. We'll meet up at the emperor's castle or whatever its called." I say as I back away a little. Willow looks as if she was going to disagree and I thought that would be the best time to run.There's no time to waste arguing. If I follow them ill be able to find Luz. I ran after the guards hiding every time I thought someone might see me.

We soon arrive at the entrance to the empire's castle. There's only one way in and I could be seen either way. I suddenly realized there's a good way so I can sneak in. I look at the ground looking for something I can throw. I saw a small rock and threw it on the other side of the path. IT hits against something catching the attention of one of the guards. He taps his pal and points to the area. The guard makes his way over as the rest keep moving forward. Just when he passes me I tackle him and begin throwing a few punches. He throws me off of him and tries to warn the others. I pull him back and push him against a tree. I draw a spell circle and vines wrap around him keeping him in place. I throw one last punch at him and he goes limp. I take his uniform and put it on myself. I look at him once again to make sure he's actually not awake. I quickly put my mask on and lifted my hood. I race back to the entrance and keep a stern look on my face. I looked around and found Luna being dragged into the throne room.

"I shouldn't just enter. Ill wait until later to go in." I whisper to myself. I wait a few minutes behind a corner then I hear the door open and 2 of the guards left while it seems the other 2 guards stayed behind. Until I heard another door open on the other side. Hm there's another door in the throne room? I lean against the wall a little trying to relax my speeding heart that I had been ignoring when I hear someone laughing through the door. The laughing stopped and soon after the door in the back opened and slammed shut. I look around before running into the throne room. I look around the room to see a small cage with someone in it curled up on the floor. A piece of paper was hidden under the arm.

"Are you here to transfer me to a bigger cage? Or are you here to just stare? The emperor wouldn't like that. Better get to it now before he takes you head. " A small voice says. I stiffen up and walk closer to the cage. I smile a little when I see Luz. She had her back to me. I knelt down a little.

"Why would i want to put my girlfriend in a cage? I'd much rather have her in my arms. Wouldn't you Luzura?" I say as I wrap my fingers around the bars. I pull the mask off and gently place it on the floor. Luz looks over her shoulder to see who's talking to her. She rushes over to the end of the cage where I was.

"Amity! You here? How'" Luz began to ask questions. I gently crease her face," Shhh Luz ill explain everything later. For now let's get out of here." I pull back a little and motion for Luz to move back. I draw a spell circle and a fire appears. I push it against the bars. I draw another one and place it against the bars. Nothing happened. I turn off the fires.

"Amity'' Luz asks as I take a closer look at the cage. I draw a spell circle and the lock gets covered in ice. I look around the room for something like a rock. I get on my knees and start to feel the ground for a rock. I finally find one and walk over to the cage. I slam the rock against the iced lock. I did it a few times missing one or twice but eventually it broke. I yank the door open and pull my girlfriend into a hug. I let go when I heard her trying to muffle a hiss of pain.

"What's wrong? Did they hurt you? Where is it? Who di-" She pulled me into a small kiss shutting me up "-......." i couldn't fully focus. I shook my head trying to get my shit together. Right now isn't the time for me to be drunk in love. I point an accusing finger at her, we are gonna talk about this later for now we need to meet willow and the other's outside"

I peek my head outside the door and see only one guard. I open the door wide enough and pull him into the room. I slam my fist against his face 3 times before his body goes limp. "Start taking his uniform and putting it off to the side for Luz.

"You gotta put his uniform on, it's the only way we can just walk out of here." I mention as I lift my mask to look at Luz. She was looking at the door behind the throne. I walk up to her," you want to get Luna don't you?" She gives me a slight nod. I point to the unifore," put it on then we can go looking for her" I close the cage and begin to draw a spell circle. I make a small illusion of Luz curled up near the back of the cage.

"Lets go before they catch us" I murmur while I drag the unconscious guard behind a pillar. I looked over to Luz to see that she had the uniform on. She looks beautiful in anything. I shake my head trying to get back to focus. I take her hand and lead her to the door. I pulled the mask over my face and noticed something odd about it. I yank it off me and take Luz's off just as soon. I throw them on in different directions outside the door making it seem like they were guarding something.

"Amity what the-" I cut her off by drawing another spell circle to summon some children's toy version of the masks. "It had a tracking chip on it. Seems that belos wasn't paying attention to this tracker tho. These are plastic and have none." I hand her the fake mask before putting my own on. I peek my head through the back door. I look down the hall before motioning for Luz to follow me. I pressed my ear against a door trying to hear if anyone was inside. A muffled grunt of pain was heard along with the familiar voice of Luna.

"In here" I whisper as I point to the door. Luz nods preparing herself to get Luna out. I gently turn the handle on the door and open it.

"No one? I swear i heard something in here." I say as I look around. I hear a small chuckle as 2 figures show up. One was wearing a blank face with a raven mask and a black cloak. The other looked like Luna but she had her hair slicked back and the emperor's coven uniform on. The person with the mask looked familiar. And I know why.

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