Chapter 1

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"Luz make sure to call. Don't forget to visit. Please be careful mija. Say hello to Eda for me." My mom says as she walks me to the door. I give her a smile. I pull her into a hug,"lo prometo.( I promise) I'll make sure to do so. Te Amo ma(I love you ma)" she pulls away before placing a kiss on my head still holding my hand.

"Have fun." She whispers before letting go of my hand. I walk through the door and into the world I love so very much, the boiling isles. I missed this place. I missed everyone. 2 years ago I had to go back home to the human realm.

Now I finally get the chance to go back to the boiling isles. To see my teacher. To learn magic. Most importantly see my friends and someone I've been dieing to see. Amity Blight My girlfriend. Over the 2 years I have sent letters to them and they have sent things to me. Amity sent me a small abomination that I could take care of and with the spell glyphs she gave me I could learn how to manipulate it's appearence. Willow sent me various letters and flowers almost one for every date she had with Boscha. Gus sent me boiling isles trinkets and letters about things that happen with him and the gang. Eda has sent me letters of how she misses me and how empty the house feels. King has sent letters of his boot camp.

"Hey Owlbert thank you for opening the door

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"Hey Owlbert thank you for opening the door." I say as I gently pat him on the head. Owlbert nods his head in a your welcome before heading inside. i walk up to the Owl house door and knock on it.

"Hoot Hoot Luz your back!" Hooty shouts as he twirls around a little. I laugh a little at this," Hey hooty do you mind keeping it a secret so far? Where are Eda and King?" Hooty didn't hesitate to answer," They're asleep they kind of fell asleep late yesterday due to the unexpected visit. Go on ahead." I thank him before heading inside. the living room didn't change a little. i smiled at the familiarity. I drop my bags in the corner before heading to the kitchen.  

"Okay I hope all these culinary arts club activites help." I state as I begin to pull out the ingrediants for what today's breakfast will be. I'm planning on cooking sprinkles pancakes. I prepare the pancakes as fast as I can trying to finish before My mentor wakes up. I set the pancakes on the plates i grab a bottle of whipped cream I brought with me. I put the 3 plates on the table. I poured a bit of apple blood into a mug and placed the cup on the table. I began making more pancakes just in case anyone wanted more.

"Kid?" I turn around to face the familier voice. I send my mentor a smile," Good morning Ms.Eda." She slowly walks up to me before pulling me into a hug. I hear her sniffle a little. I pull her closer.

"I missed you Eda." I whispered as I nuzzles into my mentor's neck. "Luz!" King shouts as he rushes over to us and hugs my leg. I pick him up and pull him close.

"King oh how I missed you." I say as I spin him around a little I pull him close to me. I place him in his seat. I push the plate of pancakes over to him,"what's this on top of it?" I chuckle a little,"that's whip cream it taste amazing trust me." King does as he scarfs down the pancakes.

"Luz?" The voice I so very much love. I turn around to see the green haired witch standing by the stairs. I send her a smile," hey my beautiful star." Amity throws herself into my arms. I wrap my arms around her pulling her close to me.

"Your back. Your actually back." Amity whispers as she pulls away a little from the hug. I smirk. I seal the gap between us and press a long awaited Kiss on her lips. She didn't respond for a moment before she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck. I feel myself smile into the kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her impossibly closer to me. I gently pull away," still don't believe it's me?"

"You have no idea how much I've missed you. " Amity whispers as she plays with my hair. I completely pull away and lead her to the table," I made you all breakfast. So eat up so we can catch up." I was really excited to hear about how things are here.

"Amity?" A tiny squeaky groggily voice asks from the stairs. I turn to look to the stairs to see a tiny Abomination. Amity turns to the little abomination.

"Oh sorry Mauve. Hey Luz do you have that Abomination I sent you?" Amity asks as she goes to pick up the small abomination. I nod and pick up my bag. I had placed him in a separate bag than my cloths. I gently picked him up and headed back to Amity.

"The one I sent you was part of Mauve." And with what Amity said both small abomination fused into one,"whoa." Amity smiled at my reaction. She gently cradled the abomination.

"He has been keeping me company and maybe he has been telling me how you've been. He does that voluntarily I only asked him to spend time with you." Amity tried to explain. I laugh a little. I study the girl in front of me. She had her hair loose. Her features seem to sharpen a little. Her hair was a little longer than the last time it was now up to her shoulders. The same hair colors though. She wore a long sleeved magenta shirt and black shorts.

"I've missed you so much." I gently say as I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her close to me. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Um Amity Ed and Em said you'd be here. We wanted to hang out to get your mind off of the 'problem of the outside world' like Em says." I heard Willow's voice through the door. I slowly walk behind the door and hide behind it as Amity slowly opens the door Mauve still in her arm's.

"Amity hey um how you feeling? Oh hey Mauve have you been keeping an eye on Momity?" I heard Gus greet. Amity playfully scoffs,"don't call me That Augustus." She throws a glance my way. I send her a small smile.

"Well girl we're going to goof off until you feel better after all attempted 3000 might work." I hear Boscha say as she walks into the house she turns around to look at Willow when she sees me. She freezes. I motion for her to stay quite. Willow and Gus walk in next as Amity closes the door behind them. Eda and king walk over to the Couch a smug look on their faces. I walk behind them and throw myself onto them.

"Hola amigos!(hey friends) " I shout as I pull away. Willow quickly turns to look at me before throwing herself into my arms.

"Oh my gosh your back!" Gus shouts as he wraps his arms around both me and Willow. He was now taller than willow but not as tall as me. I pull away from my best friends and head over to Boscha. I pull her into a hug.

"I missed you all. And guess what I'm staying here for as long as I want with an exception of course." I announced as I throw myself onto the couch. I hear a small hoot from my side. I look over to see it was Owlbert.

"Hey little buddy." I say as I gently pet him. I look up to see that Amity was walking to the kitchen with Mauve in her arms.

"Luz I have a question how did you deal with your curse in the human realm?" Willow asks taking my attention from Amity. "Oh It turns out I only transform in the Human realm when it's a full moon. And all I did was spend the time in the woods near my house. I was able to get a good grip on it so now I can transform at will and remember what I did when transformed." I explain making wild gestures with my hands. I suddenly remembered a tiny surprise I have for Amity. I go to my bag and search through it until I found what I needed. I checked it over to make sure it wasn't damaged. I walk up behind Amity to see that she was tracing the lines in her wrists as she ate a tiny bit of her breakfast. I pull out a chair and sit besides her.

"Hey. Did you try to stop?" I ask as I gently cradle her wrist in my hands. I place a gentle kiss on her wrist. She sends me a small smile,"yeah I've been trying really hard. Mauve's been helping." I could help but to smile at the girl in front of me. I place a small kiss on her cheek.

"Good because I have a present for you." I state as I gently drum my fingers on the small but sizable box.

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