Chapter 13

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One moment I Was staring at the beautiful Golden eyes that belong to Amity. Suddenly she gets pushed out of the way and a potion is pushed against my lips. I took a swig of the potion.

"Amber how? When?" Amity begins when Amber opened her mouth to say something. But no words ever came. Somthing pierces her arm clean through. She didn't scream she didn't panic. All she did was look at it in horror. The arrow like object pulls away from Amity's arm and goes back to its owner.

"We'll look what we have here." That voice. Amity stiffened at the voice she once called father. Amity staggers to her feet and turns to face him. It was as if his eyes where all most glowing. He lunged at her. I try to get up from the ground but something was holding me down. Amber.

"Amber let go! He'll kill her! Please!" I beg as Amity is thrown against a tree,"please Amber!" I noticed the hooded figure behind Amity?"Amity behind you!" Amity couldn't turn around in time. The hooded figure pierced her stomach with a knife. Almost clean through, that didn't stop her.

"Amber! Please she'll die! Amity!" I beg as she gets grabbed by the neck and slammed onto the ground. Theodore motioned for Amber to let go of me. And so she did with a small sigh. Amity kicked her dad in the balls causing him to loosen his grip on her. She wiggles out of his grasp and ran over to me. She stands in front of me in a protective stance.

"Oh so this ... human is what you so very much want to save." Theodore states as he slowly walks towards us. I glance at Emira to see that she wasn't there. What the.. Amity and I are separated by a hooded figure. Amity gets pushed into her father's arms. She to wriggle out but her has a firm grip on her. He held her by the head almost a head lock but he exposed her neck. One hooded figure handed him a syringe full of red liquid. He tries to inject her where she got bitten but she kept moving. He glances at the hooded figure that's as holding me. The figure draws a spell circle and electricity runs from their fingers through my body. I try not to scream but it was to much.

"I would stop moving if I where you Amity. After all she could only take so much." Theodore stated as he moved the needle closer to her neck. He injects her and for a moment her eyes glow red before glowing a soft golden again. Another hooded figure hands him another needle this time with a light blue liquid inside. I start thrashing around trying to get away. I wanted to help Amity. More electricity corses through my body but I don't care I watch in horror as Amity screams in pain.

"Stop moving dog or she'll get more." Theodore spits out with spite. I don't know what they did to her but if it inflected enough pain to cause her to scream I'd rather not move. He injects the second needle in her neck. He throws the needle away and pulls her into a hug. He places a small kiss on Her head before gently placing her on the ground.

"Bring her!" He ordered to the hooded figure behind me. He pushed me over to the edge of the cliff. I kept a close eye on Amity. She was looking at me asking me to get away. I look at Theodore. Suddenly vines wrap around his waist and arms and lift him up a little. He growls in frustration before looking at the hooded figures. They begin to attack Willow and the others. He breaks the vines that were around him and stalks towards me. He drew a giant spell circle and just before he activated it I was pushed away, I look up in time to see my girlfriend fly off the cliff.

"Amity!" I shout as I wrap a vine around my waist and jump off after her. I grab her hand and stop both our falls. "Luz please save her" I hear Edric's voice in the distance.


"The vine can't hold us both. " Amity whispers as she looks up at me. There where tears in her eyes. Bruises in her beautiful fair skin. Some blood trickling down from her cuts.

"No no it will. We'll both get up." I state as I increase my grip on the vine and on her hand. She shakes her head in amusement,"your amazing. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. " I look at her tears pooling in my eyes.

 " I look at her tears pooling in my eyes

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"No amity please. I need you. I love you. Please." I beg she shakes her head in amusement," I love you more Luz. That's why I can't let you fall." She pulls something out of her pocket and looks at it for a while before smiling up at me tears in her eyes. She quickly swaps out her hand with the object and plummeted the rest of the way into the water.

"Amity!" I scream as she hits the water. I feel myself being lifted up once I'm at the top I took noticed of what she gave me. The ring. The tears run down my face as I clutch the ring close to me. I heard Edric gasp when he stopped fighting the hooded figure. He rushes over to me. Emira shot a hooded figure into a tree when she turned around and her little sister wasn't there anymore.

"Amity." Edric whispers her name as if she was still there with us. Tears cascade down his face as he finally took noticed of what happened. Emira collapsed into the ground tears falling from her own face.

"No she must have survived. Please we need to make sure... please my best friend has to be alive." Boscha states as she punches a tree,"I'll kill him." Tears begin to run down her face. I clutch onto the ring as tight as I can. This ring was for her. For the girl of my dreams. Amity blight.

Edric's POV

-time skip-

I walk down the shore of the familiar beach. A week has passed since Amity fell. Boscha went out looking for my father every day. Willow tried to help her and Luz at the same time. Luz poor kid. She hasn't slept in days. She just cries and curled up on Amity's bed. Emira wasn't any better she wanted father dead. Mom looked as if she knew something. Something important. As for me, I feel as if something Is off. I keep remembering all those fun thing me and Amity did when she was younger. When we walked on this beach. When I taught her how to swim. When I had read to her.

*cough cough*

I stopped in my tracks. I hid behind a rock. I heard another small cough. I peek over the rock to see a familiar face. She smiled up at me when she saw me.

"Hey Edric."

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