Chapter 37

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Amity lay still in my arms. Concern for her grows with every second. She wanted me to call Boscha. I quickly search for her scroll phone before unlocking it and looking for Boscha's number. I click on it and wait for her to answer.

"Hey Amity I think I have the antid-um hi Luz...Oh my gosh is Amity okay?!" She asks frantically as she drops and empty bottle. She puts a bunch of the other bottles into a small satchel. She pulls it over her head.

"Amity's here just passed out. She told me to call you." I say panic in my voice. Boscha eyes widen at this,"try to keep her awake. Can you tell Eda to open the dimension door. I need to get these to Amity." Bosch hangs up and all my attention is on the girl in my arms. I gently crease her face.

"Come on Amity please wake up. EDA!" I shout towards the door. Eda and my mom enter the room their cloths a bit messed up. Where they- not important right now.I cradle Amity close to me,"Eda I need you to open the door to the boiling isles now Boscha has something for Amity." I turn to the girl In My arms.

" come on Amity please wake up." I say as I brush the hair from Her face. She gently opens her eyes not completely open. She tiredly looks up at me,"did you call Boscha?" She asked in a weak voice. I give her a nod as I hold her closer to me. I hear foot steps run up the steps. Boscha walks into the room. She rushes to the bed and pulls out a small vile.

"Hey Amity. hey hey not yet. Don't go to sleep yet." Boscha says as she gently opens the vile. She tilts the vile so Amity could drink it. Amity hesitates a little before drinking it completely. Amity leans on me before sneezing. A magic sparks around the room until it hits my door. It grows an old yes and looks at us. Amity hides her face in my neck. She groans in pain.

"The potion will have some side effects. She'll act a little intoxicated but won't do many stupid things." Boscha says as she gently places the besides the bed. I gently place Amity on the bed. She sent me a small smile before looking up at Boscha.

"Thanks Boscha But Dont you have a date tot get to?" Amity's says as she looks up at the ceiling. Boscha looked down at her watch and almost jumped out of her skin.

"Crap I got to go! I'll see you soon. Luz make sure to give it to her ever other hour." Boscha reminded before running out of the room. I turn to look at my tired girlfriend. She had a weak smile on her face. She pats the spot
Besides her. I gently lay next to her. She wrap paws her arms around me nuzzling into my neck. Her breath slowed down. She had fallen asleep. I glance at the viles before pulling Amity closer to me.

Willow's POV

I was getting ready for my date with Boscha. I'm excited she's the best at surprises. I should take her out. She's always taking me out.

"Willow ill be heading off to work. Have fun on your date. Remind Bella that she could help herself to the fridge." Dad says as she gently ruffles my hair. A send him a smile as he heads for the door. A middle aged witch walks from the bathroom.

"Did your dad leave already Willow?" Bella said. She's a middle aged witch who is a close friend. My dad asked her if she could watch over me while he's at work and since I'm going to go out she can wait here.

"Yeah dad said that you can help yourself to the fridge." I say as I gesture to the kitchen. Bella nods her head in understanding,"do you need any help with your look. We want to impress Boscha right." She said with a smirk on her face. I feel my face flush before nodding. She leads me to my room and begins to gently braid my hair.

"I'm...I'm planning on asking Boscha to be my date to Grom. Do you think she'll want to go?" I ask as si shyly fidget with my fingers. Bella looks at me through the mirror a small small smile on her face,"I think she would. She'd be stupid not to." She adds the final touches before pulling away.

"Boscha's going to be astonished." Bella says as she holds her hands to her chest. A soft knock is heard at the door. That must be here. We head to the door and slowly open it. Boscha was waiting at the door leaning on the door frame.

"Hey Willow. Ready for your surprise?" She said as she pulled out a flower. It was a beautiful red rose. She gently places it behind my ear. I give her a nod as I take her hand.

"I'll see you later Bella." I shout as I pull Boscha with me. Bella shouts a goodbye. I walk hand in hand with Boscha.

"You look beautiful. Well your always beautiful but...your just f*cking gorgeous." She says as she presses a small kiss on my cheek. I smile up at her before pressing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"We're to first Boscha," I ask as I gently squeeze her hand. I hope she says yes.


I woke up to the sound of pots and pans. I rush out of bed and noticed that Amity wasn't there. I look at the satchel and saw that it was empty. I rush out the door looking for my girlfriend. I trip down the final steps and quickly stand up. I rush to the kitchen and saw that Amity was still just in her bra and pants. She chugged the liquid from the vile and places it next to a bunch of other empty bottles. There was part decorations around and a bunch of treats.

"Amity? What...what are you doing?" I ask as I walk closer to her. She turns to me she seems as if she was still tired but had a little more shine in her eyes when she saw me.

"Luz great you made it." Amity says as she takes a cookie and stuffs it in her mouth."what's all this for?" I ask as I take a cookie and take a bite. Not bad. Amity smiles at me.

"It's to celebrate the death of my sleep schedule and sanity." Amity lays out more cookies on a plate before waking outside. I follow close behind. She had made a small bon fire. She dropped the cookies into the fire with a little bleh. She walked back into the house and began to place other cookies into a plate. I lean my head on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her waist.

"What are you doing Ami?" I ask again

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"What are you doing Ami?" I ask again. Amity holds my head with her casted arm making sure she didn't hurt me. She gently plays with my hair as she leans on me," I made to many cookies. So I'm giving them to the fire pit. They need food too you know." I shake my head in amusement as I take Amity's other hand in mine. I pull away and lead her to the couch.

"Stay here." I walk back to the kitchen and place all the cookies into the cookie jar. I quickly put out the fire and rush back in. I didn't want to leave her for so long. I sit next to Amity on the couch and noticed how she was poking at her cast. She looks up at me and nuzzles into my neck. I gently wrap my arm around her waist as I carefully lean against the arm rest. Soft snores soon fill the room.Ill get up later and pick the decorations up. Amity snuggles closer to me with a little mew. The f*cking decorations can wait.

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