Chapter 19

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"She's a vampire?" Willow, Gus, and Amity asked. Boscha had just froze for a moment completely confused as to what was going on. Mattholomule seemed proud of what he had done.

"Yep Boscha is a vampire. Her whole blood line are vampires. There pretty strong too. Not as strong as Amity's but strong enough." Mattholomule explained. Willow turned towards Boscha,"your a vampire and you never told me! What was that you said about no secrets." Bosch shrinks back at Willow's words.

"How am I supposed to tell you something that I don't even know about." Boscha retorts. Amity nudges my side,"why aren't you in anyway confused by this?" I look down at her. Has she always been this short?

"Um my sense of smell has gotten stronger. Once I smelt vampire I was able to detect it. But I didn't think she was a vampire I thought she had a vampire friend." I explain as I gesture to her. She was the Vampire friend after all. I look away from Amity and towards the arguing couple. Gus was trying to get them to at least put a break on the arguing so we can get to the beach.

"He fell in love over the years." Amity whispers to herself. She was looking at Mattholomule who was staring at Gus a faint blush in his face."I guess he has. I don't think he wanted to break up with him." I state as I gently take Amity's hand in mine. We hear a loud offended gasp coming from Boscha and Gus.

"How dare you Willow that is one of the best games in the entire isles." Gus defends something Boscha just high fives him. I shake my head before walking up the the three of them. I grab Willow by the hood and drag her a little bit farther away from Boscha. Amity has down the same thing with Boscha.

"Willow." I say as she looks up at me. She scratches the back of her neck,"um yes Luz." I cross my arms over my chest," how do you think Boscha felt after she found out you were cursed too?"willow didn't say anything. She looked up from the ground and over to the recently discovered vampire.

When me and Boscha had gotten cursed so did Gus and Willow. They both agreed to keep it to themselves. Boscha found out after willow had canceled on one of there dates. She went over to see willow with a rabbit tail and fluffy ears. Boscha didn't talk to her for a whole day. And after that whole day she began trying to figure out a way to help her.

"Go on. You know you want to." I state as I gently push her in the direction of Boscha. Willow rushes over to her and pulls her into a hug. Boscha was surprised at first before slowly melting into the hug. Mattholomule looked so angry that we had resolved this tiny problem. I walked over to Amity and wrap my arm around her.

"We should get going your mom's waiting for us." I began As I lead her back to the path but she didn't move. She was glaring at Mattholomule,"should we bring him With us?" I shrug my shoulders,"that's up to you Ami but if he's coming along we have to keep an eye on him." She leans her head on my shoulder.

-time skip-

We ended up bringing him along. Well half way. We gave the task of keeping an eye on Mattholomule to Boscha. She did good on that job, too. Every time he decided to do something bad like throw something at Mittens or making fun of someone Boscha would slap him an extra amount. We had left him somewhere in the woods but in a safe place. By now We had reached the beach and were already sitting with Mrs.Blight. Eda was with her king was sitting right besides her.

"So this next week you will be going on the trip. We already paid for your admission Luz so you don't have to worry." Mrs.Blight explains. I glance at Amity who was already looking at me. I send her a thankful smile before looking back.

"I'm going to be taking Luz to the human realm  and we'll be staying there for the weekend." Eda announces I raise my hand,"Amity." Eda sent me a confused look,"Eda,Luz and Amity will be going to the human realm." Eda shakes her head in amusement,"I'm going to be taking Luz and Amity to the human realm and we'll be staying there for the weekend." I nod my head in approval. Lilith arrived a little while later with a basket in her hands. She was here earlier  but she left to get some food.

"I'm back." Lilith announced as she sat next to Mrs.Blight. She passed out sandwiches to everyone. Amity didn't say much nor did she eat much. What was she thinking the entire time? At one point she leaned her head on my shoulder and began to play with my hand.

"Hey Mittens are your ok? You haven't eaten anything." I ask she looks up at me a smile on her face,"Yeah I'm fine just thinking." She glances at her mom before standing up. She offers her hand.

"Um I want to take you somewhere." Amity says as she scratches the back of her neck. I take the offered hand. She leads me away from the group and towards the woods. She began to draw tiny spell circle as we walked deeper and deeper into the woods. She collected all of them in her hand. We got to a clearing full of flowers.

"Since we couldn't go to that date. This is one of the places I used to go when you left. I Um I kind of drew that." Amity admits as I run my fingers through the carvings. One carving had a heart with our names in it.

Amity rushes to one of the ones I was close to and hid it behind her

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Amity rushes to one of the ones I was close to and hid it behind her.

"This one's not really important you don't need to see it." Amity tries to act non suspicious but the ever growing blush was hard to miss. I use my hand to lean on the tree behind her. Her face turns a darker shade of red. She looks at her feet avoiding my eyes. I love drawing a blush from her.

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