Chapter 5

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"I'll leave you to shower meet me in my room when your finished." I state as I gently pull Amity into a kiss. She begins to kiss back and as much as I was enjoying this I don't want her to get sick.

"We can continue this later Ami. But I really don't want you to get sick." I state as soon as I pull away. Amity groans in protest before agreeing. I give her one last kiss before I walk out of the bathroom. I walk downstairs to see that Boscha has Mattolomule face first on the floor hands behind his back. Boscha had her knee on his back.

"I have you your last chance today but you miss used it. You hurt Amity so I'm going to hurt you." Boscha said a dangerous tone in her voice. I walk up to her and tap on her shoulder. She glances at me dangerously but she backs down as I glare down at her and Mattolomule.

"I think I should be the one to teach him a lesson." I growl as I gently push her away. I grab Mattolomule by the collar and pull he up from the ground. I slam him against the wall twisting his arm so it hurts.I glance at Gus. When Amity rushes out of the house Gus shouted that it was over that he had hurt his friends to many times. I quickly grab a card from my deck. Truth spell.

"Your lucky Lilith wasn't here you sh!t bag she would have killed you." I whisper as I slam him into the wall again adding the spell onto his back. I wanted to do more to him. For hurting Amity. For hurting Gus. Gus trusted him not to do this yet he did. I pull him away from the wall and head to the door.

"Hooty make sure this b@st@rd doesn't come back." I say venom in my voice as I shove him out the door,"why do you even dislike Amity?!" Mattolomule got up from the floor staggering.

"Oh I don't dislike Amity. I hate her! She's a lier! Haha I bet that ring was fake. After all I destroyed it. I knew it was fake when I saw her today." Mattolomule answers as he runs his hands through his hair. A weird smile on his face. His face turned confused. He didn't know why he said that.

"How many times have you done this?" I ask. He thinks for a moment before a small smile grows on his face,"oh let's just say that this all started a year ago. When i first decided to date Gus. Like they say keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer." I pull out my deck and look for my fire glyph. I quickly tap it and cradle it in my hand before chucking it towards Mattolomule. It hit him in the butt and he started rushing around trying to find a way to extinguish the fire. I feel myself smirk as I close the door. I quickly rush upstairs sending a silent agreement towards Willow.

"Amity are you done yet?" I slowly open the door to see Amity slowly pulling her shirt down. I was able to see that she had various bruises on her ribs and stomach leading down to her pelvis. She winced as she brushed her waist with her hand. Who did this to her? Well besides the rain.

"Oh you're here." Amity stares as she gently sits down on my bed. I hear her hiss in pain. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a small first aid kit. I walk over to her and kneel in front of her. I carefully clean the wounds and place the bandages onto her. I tried not to wince at every wound on her beautiful pale skin. After I finished She refused to look me in the eyes.

"I heard you talking with Mattolomule." Amity whispers as she glances at me before looking away,"I was going to tell you about them, I'm just worried as to how you would react." I shake my head . I cradle her face and make her look at me.

"Oh Amity I don't want you to be afraid of telling me anything. I don't want you to think like that. When your ready you'll tell me, but since your not then I'm willing to wait." I state as I gently brush the hair away from her face. Her face with a light blush. I didn't expect her to pull me into a kiss, but I'm not complaining. I gently wrap an arm around her waist making sure not to hurt her. She was like glass strong but fragile. I feel her wrap her arms around my neck pulling me closer. We begin to tip over onto the bed.

"Haha where's all this energy coming from?" I ask as I prop myself up on my hands and look down to the girl below me. She had a relaxed expression a smile painted on her face. That expression soon left. Her arms fell from around my neck to above her head.

"He did brake the ring. I didn't let go of the broken pieces for days." Amity explained as she looked way from me. I now took notice of the weird mark she had in her right hand. She began to speak again," Lilith saw how weird my writing and spell casting had gotten and checked it out. She removed the pieces and fixed the ring." Amity brought her hands down to her stomach and started to play with the ring.

"Amity did you know Mattolomule didn't actually date Gus for Gus?" I ask I see tears pool in her eyes,"yes. I just though that after 2 years he might have actually fallen in love. I tried telling Gus but the light in his eyes when he started dating Mattolomule. He was so happy. I'm an idiot I should have told him earlier." She brought her hands up to her face and covered her face violently rubbing at her eyes. I gently pull her hands away.

"Yes you should have told him sooner. But I see where your coming from. He seemed to be a lot happier with Mattolomule." I explain as lean my forehead against her's. I cradle her face  as I wipe away a stray tear. She slowly wraps her arms around me. I gently place myself onto the mattress trying not to hurt her. We laid in silence for what felt like a few minutes. I was happy that we where here together. I hear her sigh contently.

"Um Amber gave some of these to me

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"Um Amber gave some of these to me. Mattolomule with some of his pranks. And James he 'accidentally' let out one of his beasts and it came straight for me." Amity explains pulling on her collar. I've noticed it when her make up. 2 fang like bit marks on her neck. I gently trace them work my index finger. I gently place a kiss on it.

"Lilith says that when I keep to myself it's more of a defense mechanism. I'm guessing she's right. As soon as I got this bite I didn't talk to many people or quite a while. Willow was so worried. I wanted to let her know that I was all right but I had this voice in my head telling me to just hide away for a little." Amity confesses as I lay down besides her pulling her close to me. She buries her head in the nape of my neck as if she was afraid to look at something. A gentle knock on the door startled us all.

"Sorry guys but Willow and Gus fell asleep I was wondering if you had any pillows and blankets?" Boscha asks as she gently fidgets with her hands. I gently pull away from Amity and go to a near by storage closet. The closet was full of blankets and pillows. I pull one out for each friend of mine.

"I'll carry the blankets." I offer as I hand her the pillows m. We walk downstairs and prepare a small place for them to sleep.

"Good night if you need anything you know where to find me." I stated as I walked up the stairs. I made my way to my room to see that Amity was sitting up right looking out the window. She had Mauve on her lap. I could help but stare. The way that the moon added a vail like effect on her. I gently pull out the ring and stare at it for a while. When should I give her this?

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