Chapter 42

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A/n: hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm once again sorry that I posted this so late.


I gently push Cat Amity Back into the bathroom as Bump walks by. I gently pull amity out of the bathroom and down the hall. Amber looked around trying to see if there was anyone who would rat us out. We walk down the hall trying to make as little noise as possible. Amity's tail nervously swishes behind her. She jumps a little when a small bang is heard.I keep a gentle hand on Amity's fur trying to calm her down. We turn another corner. I look behind me to make sure Amity is following me when I bump into something.
Amity pulls me up from the floor by my sleeve. She gets in front of me, curls her tail around my waist, and growls at the person in front of us.

"Miss. Noceda... Um giant cat? What are you doing in the hallway you are supposed to be in your class... well except the creature. Quite an interesting creature" Mr. Bump says as he bends down to be at the same height as Amity. I place a hand on her head and gently play with her fur.

"Um well you see, Mr. Bump this... creature is barely a child. I was just getting her to her mother." I say trying to convince bump. He looks down at me then shakes his head," Go on. Don't let that thing back in here again." I give him a nervous smile before rushing out Amity at my heel. We make it out the door and run into Eda.

"Eda what are you doing here?" I ask as I gently pet Amity's head. Eda moves to the side slightly and shows king hog tied on owlbert.

"Runt went with me to the human realm and scared the crap out of your mom. I didn't want to leave him with her considering she's been rambling in..what was it..oh yeah spanish...something about a pendello?" I stare at Eda. MY mom never curses. Ever. and she most definitely doesn't curse about someone.

"Wait mom's here?" I began but Eda raised her hand to stop me," Why is Amity a cat? I gave her the....did you destroy the vile?" I nervously look around trying to avoid her gaze. Amity does the cat version of a face palm. Eda shakes her head," Ok lets get going we need to get back home so 1: Luz you talk to your mother 2: I get the elixir for blight." we walk down the steps that lead us into hexside.

The walk to the owl house was silent. Amity hasnt left my side. And king was released. Eda had un perched Owlbert and he was now on her shoulder. When we finally reach the owl house we were welcomed with Hooty.

"Welcome hoot hoot" Hooty said as he opened the door. I stayed outside for a little not sure what to expect my mom to say. Amity nudged my hand and looked up at me. I kneeled to her level and gently cradled her cat head. I press my forehead to hers. I got up and walked into the owl hour Amity by my side. I walked into the kitchen to see my mother pacing back forth.

"Come with me Amity, let's give the nocedas some time to talk." Eda said as she Gently guided Amity away from us. Amity glances one last time before leaving the room. I cross my arms and glare at my mom.

"Explain." It was the only word that left my mouth.I sat on the couch. Severus crawls over to me and wraps himself around my neck. Mom sits down besides me.

~a few minutes later~

"Wait wait wait. let me get this straight." I say as I stand up from the couch. "Great grandma was azura. The staff was passed down from generation to generation. It was given to you. You went here to learn magic and fell in love. You went to the human realm. You had me. You came back because dad was being a psycho. Then you hide the staff." I summarize. Mom nodded. I began to pace.

"Oh and not to mention you lied to me and told me father had died in a car crash but in reality he's here in the boiling isles!" I shout as I run a hand through my hair. MY father is alive and ON the boiling isles. I can find him. I can finally meet my dad.

"He's a dangerous man Luz. he isn't the man I once loved. He isn't your father anymore. He changed." mom says as she stands up. She gently holds Severus in her arms," He isn't like he used to be." I go to retort when I hear a small chuckle from outside. I turn to look at it.

"Did you hear that?" I ask as I stand in front of my mom protectively. She looks at me confused as to what I meant. I glared at the windows and found nothing. I relax a little and look back at my mom.

"Will you be staying here?" I ask as I glance at the door. I look back at my mom who was still holding Severus. Mom looks around a little before looking at me,"yes I will"

"Wooohoooo! Woah!" After a few thuds Eda landed upside down. She looked at us with a sheepish smile. She quickly gets up and clears her throat.

"Um I mean I'll be helping you set up for your stay the night. Um Luz your girlfriend is upstairs waiting for you." Eda says as she holds her arm. Amity raises an eyebrow as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing on of my sweaters. It looks better on her then it does on me.

"Sure I am eda. Come on Luz let's leave your mom and Eda to prepare for her stay." Amity says as she takes my hand in her own. I look at our connected hands before looking up at my beautiful girlfriend. I give her a small smile. She leads me upstairs and towards my room.

"Are you okay Luz?" Amity asks as she sits down on my bed. She pulls off my sweater and places it besides her. I go to the bathroom and quickly change out of my uniform. I come back to the room to see that Amity was laying down reclined against the wall. She opens her arms for a hug. With a small huff  throw my self into her arms. I burry my face into her neck. She gently runs her and through my hair. I close my eyes just enjoying the feeling of being in Ami's arms. I can feel my worries and my thoughts calm themselves by just being with her. No words needed.

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Amity places a gentle kiss on my forehead before she continues to play with my hair. I began to feel extremely tired. Should I fall asleep? Nah I'll be awake and find. Right? Amity giggles at me," Luz babe you can go to sleep. I'll wake up you up later hon." I didn't want to but Amity running her hand through my hair and being in her arms made me change my mind. She was here and safe. She was here with me. I let myself relax a little more as sleep slowly takes over.

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