Chapter 8

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Amity POV

We had made it back to the field and were now waiting for the teacher. Luz made sure to stand by me and would glare at every girl that's as around. Did she hear the rumors? I hope she doesn't think they're true. I must have been staring off because Luz was now in front of me a look of worry painted on her face.

"Hey are you okay?" She asks as she gently creases my face. I give her a small nod. As I lean into her touch. On the corner of my eye I saw how the other girls were looking at me. It made me recoil. I gently pull away from Luz's warmth. Luz glanced to where I was looking a small growl escaped her mouth.

"Hey. Mi estrella(my star) it's alright. Those rumors aren't real I know you wouldn't do anything like that." Luz whispers to me as she leans her forehead against mine. I didn't notice a small whimper escape.she gently stroked my cheek with her thumb.

"Don't worry about them, okay? They can say what they want but we know the truth." Luz reassured I hum in response,"I know but it would be nice if they stop." She gently wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me a little closer.

"Yes that would be nice. Sometimes it would also be nice if Amber and James ever went to class." Luz murmured. She glanced towards the bleachers. James and Amber were staring at us from under the bleachers. James did a motion with his hand and the bit began to sting. I groaned in pain as I leaned my head against Luz's chest.

"I f*cking hate him." I whisper as I claw at my neck. The pain went away all of a sudden. I glanced under the bleachers to see that they were gone. In the distance I saw James talking to something. What is that? I turn to look at Luz when I was pushed away. I landed harshly onto the floor.

"Hello to you to Jessica." I say as I look up at the blonde. She had long blond hair and orange eyes. Luz went to rush to my aid by Jessica places a hand on her shoulder stopping her from going any further.

"Luz it's good to see you again. We have to talk Amity. You can wait over there if you want." Jessica shoves Luz in the other direction. I felt my claws retract as a smile grew on her face. I sent Luz a nod for her to head over there and wait. She reluctantly left not without pulling out a small glyph.

"You got yourself a pretty hot one there Amity. Damn I see why Amber wants her." Jessica said as she checked out her nails. I lunge at her trying to scratch her face. She grabs my wrist and twisted it. I draw a spell circle with my other hand and it shoots at her pushing her away from me.

"Man even when you look weak your pretty strong. I thought the poison would spread to you faster." Jessica commented. I shake my head in amusement," you can blame James for that."

"Aww girls you started without me." Amber's voice rang around us. "Oh speak of the devil. How are you doing today, Amber? I see you sent your lackeys first this time." I felt her presence behind me. I know she had the same knife as. A couple weeks ago. I felt myself being pushed into the floor.

"I wondered when you were Going to stop hiding." I state as I place a hand behind my head like a pillow,"so what's for today Amber. Are you going to stab me? Or maybe more rumors and names?" I notice the vail in her hand it was a dark red. Hatred potion. In her other hand was another vail dark green. Poison.

"Ahh I see your going to try to poison me again and actually kill me. Or your going to make someone hate me." I try to guess. I scoff a little," everyone already hates me here. It's a matter of time before Luz is one of them." I play with the grass.

"Hmm I would rather kill you with my bare hands. These potions are useless against you. You already hate yourself. You're already dying." Amber thought to herself. I noticed how blue the sky is today. It was beautiful.

"Amity Blight report to Ms. Clawthornes office." The PA system shouted. Amber waved me off as I got up from the floor. Amber shouted something before I left completely,"good luck. My brother is going to be so happy I didn't go through with my plan." I ignore her and walk to the office. I open the window door to see Lilith there with a worried expression.

"How can I help you today Ms. Clawthorn?" I ask as I sit down in front of her. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I nuzzle into her neck and let out a small whimper.

"Let it all out. Luz came by and told me what happened. " Lilith whispers as she gently creases my hair. We stayed like that for a moment until Lilith divides I should probably bandage the bite mark. She gently wrapped the bandage around my neck careful. It to hurt me.

"Lady Lilith we found this one outside fighting with Miss.Jessica." The abomination prof pushed Luz into the room. Once he left Luz flopped him off. She turned to look at us with a sheepish smile on her face.

 She turned to look at us with a sheepish smile on her face

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"Hey Amity. Hey Lilith. How's it going?" She says sheepishly. Lilith dropped the bandages and shook her head in amusement. Worry still precent on her face.

"Luz what happened?" I asked worry evident in my voice. I rush to her and check the wounds. Luz laughs a little,"this is what happens when someone messes with my girl. I'll beat the crap out of them and I don't give a damn if I get hurt." I pull her into a hug.

"Your an idiot please don't do that." I whisper as I nuzzle into her neck. That was sweet but stupid.... and a waste of her time. She'll just end up hating me too. I'm not ready for that yet. I didn't noticed I was crying until. Luz wrapped her own hands around me pulling me closer. She placed a kiss on my forehead while whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I'm not ready for that. Not yet.

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