Chapter 32

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Amity POV

"Come on Mittens. I have to show you this." Luz says as she basically dragged me. I strain my arm a little and she stops rushing me taking the Hint,"Sorry Mittens Um just so excited. I want to show you everything." Luz gently leans her forehead against mine.

"It's okay I'm pretty excited too. Just take it a little slow ok. It's hard to keep up." I say as I gently brush my thumb across her knuckles. She sends me a gentle smile before pressing a small kiss to my nose. She gently pulls away.

"ok im okay now.whee to first Luzzy?" I ask Luz blushes a little at the nickname,"I'm going to go shopping real quick then I'm planning on taking you to one of my favorite spots." She explains. I give her a nod. She explained most of the things about earth on our way to the store. She explained that most things here aren't going to try and kill me. There's a lot more technology. No magic at all. Luz would stop by places before heading to the store.

"This is the down town area of my town." Luz explains as she gestured to all the little buildings with lights dangling from each post. I stare at every thing in aw. It all looked so beautiful. Luz leads me to a near by store.

"Hi miles can I have 2 please." Luz smiles at him before handing him the money."hi Luz. Oh who's this? New friend? She's pretty cute," Luz's face hardens a little as she wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer to her,"and taken." Miles puts his arms up in defeat,"no offense or anything just stating." Luz eyes began to shine a faint weak golden color. He stiffens ho slightly and hands Luz 2 things that looked like a bunch of little rolls of bread on a stick.

"It's on the house." Miles said hints of fear in his voice. Luz calms down but remains Stone faced. She mumbles a small thank you before walking away with my hand in her's. She began to mumble something in another language.

" le dije antes que no lo haga y todavía lo está aseando(I told him before not to do those and he's still doing this),"Luz mumbled as she lead me to a spot it looked to be a beach. She sends me a gentle look before pushing some branches out of the way for me to pass by first. In the trees was a look out type thing it was so beautiful.

"This is the best place to watch the fire works." Luz says as she handed me one of the things with a gentle expression.

I hesitated at first before taking it in my hand

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I hesitated at first before taking it in my hand. I take a hesitant bite from it and noticed how sweet it tasted. Luz gently places a kiss to my head. I took a couple more bites and noticed that I didn't have anymore.

"Here you can have mine." Luz offers as she hands it to me."I can't do take that. It's yours." Luz smiles a little before taking my hand and placing the thing in my hand. "I insist." I place a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"Thank you." I say as I take a bite from the pastry. Luz suddenly remembers something and takes my hand leading me to a little ramp that lead to the look out point. There was a couple of chairs and a cooler. She moves one of the chairs closer to the other and sits in one. I sit besides her.

"Look up there." Luz says as a small burst is heard. I flinch a little but I calm down slightly when I felt a familiar warm hand on my own. I remember what she said and look up. It was like a burst of magic but it wasn't magic. It came in different colors. Red, blue, yellow, purple, and so many more. I subconsciously lay my head on Luz's shoulder.

Camilia POV

Luz has been gone for a while now. She's probably showing Amity around. I glance at the grey haired Witch who had been preparing the vegetables. She noticed I was looking at her and sends me a small smile. I feel my face flush as I look away. I feel her walk closer to me suddenly she slips on something and flails her arms around trying to get her footing. She successfully does so a smirk on her face.

"So hi- whoa!" She slips anyway and face plants into the floor. I go to help her and noticed that she had a nose bleed. I grab a rag and gently place it on her nose.

"Here sit down at the table." I say as I pull a sit out for her to sit on.,"pinch your nose while I clean up the blood." She does as she's told and pinches her nose. I grab another rag and wet it a little. I use the towel to wipe away some of the blood. Once I was finished Eda drew a spell circle and a flower appeared. She gently places it behind my ear.

"I'm sorry I don't have enough money to pay you doc so how about a date instead?" Eda says I feel my face flush a little. I couldn't really say any proper words and ended up stuttering. Eda's face fell,"I'm sorry I just Oh look the vegetables." Eda gets up and walks to the vegetables. I walk up and begin to steer the pot.

"Be ready by 7 tomorrow." I say Eda looks at me with excitement in her eyes. She clears her throat and leans back,"cool cool." Esta idiota. Mi idiota.(this dork. My dork)


It had begun to get late and Luz hasn't come home yet. I'm trying to figure out where Zora was going to sleep. She could sleep with me but she could be uncomfortable and I don't want her to be. Maybe I can sleep on the floor and she can sleep on the couch.

"Ms.Noceda do you have any blankets?" I ask as I lean on the counter. Zora at my side. She glances at me.

"I hope your not going to sleep on the floor. Your going to wake up with a sore back." Ms.Noceda warns. I shrug,"well Luz isn't back yet and I really want Zora to be comfortable. And what's a bit of a sore back when my girlfriend is comfortable." I hear a small aw coming from Zora. Ms.Noceda shakes her head.

"De ninguna manera chico(no way kid). We'll figure something out." She said as she put diced vegetables into a pot. I lay down on the couch feeling a little tired from today's events. From the ambush with Luz to coming to the human realm. Zora looks at the ground bashfully.

"Can we cuddle?" She asks I give her a nod and make a little room for her. She nuzzles under my chin and wraps her arms around my torso. I wrap an arm around her waist to keep her from falling. I slowly feel sleep consume me. Her cuddles are the best.

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