Chapter 14

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Amity's POV

I swap out my hand with her ring and plummet into the sea below me. The last thing I see was Luz's face before water surrounded me and everything goes black.

I woke up on a beach. I began to cough trying to get the water to leave my body. I flip myself over and look at the sky. Hello to you too sky. I heard someone walking near by and I attempted to move to hide but I was to injured. I began to cough and hack. I slowly go back into the position I was in before. I saw a head peek over a rock. His dark green hair and golden eyes are unmistakable.

"Hey Edric." I silently say as I look up at him. I send him a small smile. He rushes over to me and kneels down besides me. The world began to spin and I began to see splotches of black.

"I'll take you home. I promise." Edric says as he gently lifts me off the ground. He cradled
Me close to him. I noticed how the tears steamed down his face. I noticed how he made it home quicker then before. He slams the door open drawing the attention of the people who where there. My mom rushed up to him and said something I couldn't understand. Emira ran up the stairs. I wonder what's she doing.

-time skip-

"Amity. Honey look at me." My mom gently tilts my head up studying me. She looks at the bite mark worry in her eyes. She had begun using healing spells to heal most of the wounds. A small knock on the door broke the silence.

"Um sorry Mrs.Blight for bothering you again, but they kicked me out of the library again." My ears perk up at the sound of my girlfriend. Her voice seemed sad and hoarse. My mom shook her head,"don't worry Luz you can come here as often as you want. How are you doing today honey?" I hear Luz sigh. I slowly make my way to the door and lean against it.

 I slowly make my way to the door and lean against it

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"I cannot say I feel better...I wish I had done something more. I keep asking myself why didn't she want me to get hit I could have survived. Why did she do it?...every doesn't feel the same. I miss her with ever fiber of my body." Luz takes another shaky breath,"You know where I'll be right." I hear her sniff through the door. My mother places a gentle hand on my shoulder,"yes I do. I'll come get you for dinner." I hear Luz give a little hum as a response. I quickly turn to my mom.

"How long have I been away?" I ask frantically. My mom leans against the door,"a week." I shake my head not wanting to believe it,"so your telling me I've been gone for a week." My mom nods very head. She gestured for me to go to the mirror. I slowly walk to the mirror to see that I kind of don't look like myself. My skin is paler. My eyes seem weaker. I kind of look like a mess.

"Can I go see her? Please." I ask as I look away from the mirror. My mother shakes her head,"she feels as if it's her fault. If she sees you like this right now she'll keep believing it," I groan in protest. My mother shushes me,"but after I heal you enough that's when I'll let you see Luz and the others." I nod my head and stay extremely still so my mom can heal me properly. Another small knock at the door.

"Hey Angela can I come in?" Lilith asks through the door. I see the ghost of a smile growing on my mom's face,"come in." Lilith opens the door and gently closes it behind her shock written on her face.

"You see the Amity right? " Lilith asks as she looks me over. My mom nods,"Edric found her this morning. I've been trying to heal her for a while now but she keeps moving." I groan in protest again,"can you please heal me now. I want to see Luz again." My mom shakes her head in amusement. She gently takes my arm and begins to do another healing spell. This might take a while. I groan at how slow it is going.

-time skip-

"There all done." My mom states as she pulls away from the last cut. I look down at it to see that it's not completely done. I look up to ask my mom a question when she pointed at my stomach. There was no cut not even a reminder of it occurring.

"How?" I begin to ask but my mom shakes her head,"oh look at the time I have to make dinner. Amity don't go to your room. You may roam around. Everyone thinks that your were sick. So they'll be Papy about you being back in your feet." I groan at this before throwing myself onto my mom's bed. My mom laughs a fake evil laugh as she tickles my sides. I try not to give her the satisfaction of me laughing but fail miserably. She pulls away and heads to the door before gesturing in the direction of my room. I peek up and rush out the door. I head through the hallways heading towards my room when I come across Em and Ed's room. I gently knock on the door before opening it.

"Hey Emira. Hey Edric." I whisper Edric walks over to me and pulls me into a small hug,"How are you feeling Mittens?" I shrug,"I'm feeling good but I'm worried about Luz. She's in my room right?" Edric nods. I look past my brother and towards my sister. I send her a smile as I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.

"Oh my gosh! Amity your actually here." Emira whispers as she checks me over. She had begun crying as she pulled me closer to her,"I've missed you so much." I nuzzle into her neck. I pull away and gently move back.

"I have to go see Luz. Wish me luck." I head out the door and towards my room I gently open the door and peek my head inside. Luz was laying on my bed with her back facing me.

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