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Considering how long Ravel has been living with all of us it is kind of strange that we're just now going out on a date. We've done things as just the two of us but we hadn't really established there was a relationship between us. We hop on the motorcycle and her arms wrap around me. This isn't the first time she's been on here but she still doesn't trust my driving that much. I've given some thought to what to do today and I had an idea that I think she will enjoy. We drive towards the outskirts of Kuoh and reach the base of a mountain. Though I walked up here last time the trail we took is never used by anyone else so I can drive up there with no issues.

Though Ravel started off as someone who seemed to be very materialistic in her thinking that changed quickly in my mind. She was willing to work to get stronger and face the difficulties that would come with that training. At first my only goal with training her was so she could defend herself, but now she could compete in a Rating Game and do some damage. I hear her talk about how appreciative she is that we let her stay with us, and that she's happy she doesn't have to be a waste of a spot on Riser's roster. According to her I treat her better than he did anyway, which annoys me considering she's his sister. The closest thing I've really had to a sister is Asia, and we all know what happens when someone tries to fuck with her.

After a drive up the mountain I find a place to park and pull off. Ravel takes a look at our surroundings and based off of what I've told her before she knows exactly where we are.

"This is where you guys trained before you fought Riser, right?"

"That it is," I respond. "It's nice and remote up here, and Rias said I could come up here whenever I want. I won't be unreasonable and make this a training day, but the area around here is so nice that I figured we could just check it out." I step off of the bike and Ravel does the same. When she pulls her helmet off her hair is all messed up and I can't help but laugh at it. Considering how she normally styles her hair seeing it all messed up like this doesn't seem too outrageous. I put a hand out to her and she takes it. "If you're fine with it we can stay here tonight and go home in the morning."

"I would love that Y/N." I show her around the area, pointing out different places that I did my training. Ravel told me she likes hearing my stories and there was no better way I could think of telling her more than showing her the areas where my life as a devil truly started. We make our way to the clearing where Koneko and I trained together, and the place where she kicked my ass.

"Back then I was being hard on myself for my shortcomings," I tell Ravel as we look through to where Koneko kicked me out of the woods. "We were pretty even in our spar but she managed to knock me over here and I was pissed about it." Looking at the ground I still see the place I punched the ground. "I was obsessed with being stronger than everybody else, and at the time I didn't realize how much pressure I was putting onto myself.


"Fuck! I should've seen that coming. I was an idiot not to have my guard up." Koneko stops me while I'm rambling and comes to sit beside me.

"You can't possibly know everything that's going to happen in a fight Y/N. You have natural talent for fighting, but you seem to have it in your head that you should always be able to know what is going to happen." I look over to her as she continues. "You know, if you were using your Boosted Gear, you would have won without question."

"I don't know Koneko, I just feel like I should be stronger. Seeing how good you all are makes me feel like I'm weak, and that's the feeling I hate the most." I look back towards the ground.

"Even if everyone else is better than you, that doesn't make you weak."

"If that's the case name one thing that I'm better at than everyone else." Part of me doesn't expect an answer, but Koneko comes and nuzzles her head against my chest.

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