Make A Move

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Currently, I'm sitting in my room. The time is 10:25 PM, about an hour until the Rating Game begins. I've worked so hard for this and now it's here. There's a knock at my door.

"Come in." Asia comes in, and to my surprise, she is wearing her priestess outfit from the day I first met her. "Wow, I haven't seen that in a while."

"Yeah, it has. I asked Rias and she said I should just wear whatever makes me feel comfortable. What do you think Y/N?" I smile at her.

"It's perfect. If that's what you want to wear no one can judge you." I currently have on my token leather jacket with the pants of the school gym uniform. Asia comes over and sits down next to me.

"Do you mind if I stay here until we leave?" I wrap my arm around her.

"Of course I don't." She leans her head against me.

"I'm really nervous Y/N."

"I am too Asia, but it's strange. I'm kind of looking forward to it." She looks at me confused. "Ever since that prick showed up I've made it my goal to improve to beat him. It's a chance to see how far I've come, and I'm ready for it. Just stick with what Rias tells you and we'll come home just fine."

"Okay Y/N, I trust you," she says cheerfully. I hate that she is involved in this, but it's also my fault. An hour later we leave and arrive in the club room. Kiba is messing with his sword, Koneko is fastening her fighting gloves, and Akeno is drinking tea. I wave to all of them and sit on the desk by Rias.

"You ready Rias?" She nods to me and stays quiet. She doesn't even look nervous and that makes me feel confident. A knock arrives at the door and Sona and Tsubaki enter. "I'm surprised to see you two here."

"They're in charge of the broadcast of the game," Rias explains.

"Besides," Sona says, "this is Rias' first Rating Game. I wouldn't miss this for anything."

"What do you think of our chances Sona?" Before she can answer me a circle opens up, and Grayfia appears.

"It's almost time for the game to start Lady Rias. Are you all ready?" I hop up to answer.

"Fuck yeah we are. I'm gonna show that prick where to shove it." Everyone smiles at my confidence, including the Student Council ladies to my surprise.

"You must have worked hard Y/N," Sona says. "I must say I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

"And I've said that to you since I started in Kuoh but you haven't put out. Don't worry though Sitri, I'm at full capacity and I'm ready to last." I guess I've been around Akeno too much because she busts out laughing at my response while Sona only rolls her eyes at me.

"Lady Rias, you should know the great devil Lucifer will be watching," Grayfia tells us.

"Oh, brother dearest," is all Rias responds with.

"Wait," I say nervously, "so your brother is the Devil? He's going to kill me."

"That's right," Kiba answers. "His name is Sirzechs. He saved all of devilkind and now he's Lucifer."

"That explains why Rias is the heiress to the house of Gremory," Asia says quietly.

"Screw all that. If he knows what Rias and I did at training camp he'll have me killed." I look and notice Grayfia has no clue what I mean. "I'll tell you later."

"If you do I'll cut it off," Rias says angrily causing me to shut up. Sona and Tsubaki go to leave.

"I'll be rooting for you all. To answer your question Y/N, I'm not a betting girl, but if I was, I'd say you'd kick his ass seven ways to Sunday." I smile at the ladies and they walk out. Grayfia readies a transport circle and we all enter it. Once the light goes I'm surprised to see that nothing had changed. I go to look out the window and notice the sky is completely green.

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