Points of Authority

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The group of us are all outside preparing to head back to the human realm.

"Thank you for everything Mom and Dad," Rias says. "Goodbye Millicas." The young boy seems sad.

"But you all just got here, do you really have to go?" I crouch down in front of him.

"Sorry little guy, but we have to. I promise we'll be back as soon as we can." I put my hand up and he high fives it.

"Okay Y/N!"

"Besides we can't just keep Rias and her house to ourselves," Grayfia tells her son.

"Okay, I understand Mom." Looking back at Rias' house Asia and Xenovia look confused.

"You two didn't know that?" I ask them. We all grab our things and board the train back to the human realm. Once I sit down Koneko lays on my lap with her eyes closed. "You comfortable kitty?"

"Whatever Kuroka said is wrong. I'm here now and I'm happy. Meow." I start playing with her hair and she starts purring. I look over to Rias and Akeno and they're both smiling at me.

Akeno POV

"So you two will be going on a date when you get home?" Rias asks me.

"Yes we are. I've told him a lot about my past, but I want to lay it all out there. I'm finally ready to put it behind me." Rias gives me a hug.

"There goes Y/N rescuing another person from their past."

"My hero." Rias smiles.

"Mine too Akeno, mine too." We all arrive back at home and everyone goes off to catch up on the homework they were given over break. As they do I go to take a shower. My mind jumps to my mother and what happened with her. Training with my dad was really hard, and it made me miss her even more. What do I do Mother?

Once I get dried off and dressed I make some tea and head up to Y/N's room. I knock and he quickly answers me. "Come on in." I open the door and wheel the cart in.

"I made some tea and snacks for you Y/N." He looks over at it with stars in his eyes and it makes me laugh.

"Thanks a lot Akeno, that means a lot." I go to sit with him and see he's got most of his work done, though I notice one that's wrong. I point it out to him.

"Check that one Y/N, I don't think you have the right answer." He looks it over.

"Are you sure?" I start walking him through it and show him where he made the mistake. "I see now, thanks." My arms go around him.

"You know, I'd be happy to tutor you until it comes naturally. I took this class last year after all."

"I appreciate the thought Akeno, but I think I've got it. I can live with one or two being wrong." I shake my head at him.

"You always train to be perfect but you don't put the same effort into your studies? It may not seem important but it'll help a lot when you get to college." He leans back in his chair.

"Yeah, I know. I just didn't even think about all of this until today and it's a lot of work to do. I don't want you to feel like you have to help me with it if you don't want to Akeno. I'm sure you have better things to do."

"Nonsense Y/N." The two of us work through the rest of his homework and finish it up in about an hour.

"Thanks Akeno, really." He gives me a kiss. "So where were you wanting to go for our date tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure, but I want to surprise you with my outfit. Meet me at the shrine tomorrow at one." He gives me a nod and we lay down together. "I can't lie, I miss when it was just the two of us. I'm still happy though, so don't feel bad." His arms creep around me and his grip tightens.

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