You Never Know

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Before I start this part I just want to say that this one will be formatted a little differently than the others. This part is a collection of shorter stories all put together, think Tales of Ba Sing Se from Avatar. Not everyone will be getting a part in this since there is only so much variety I can do, and some characters will be grouped into other stories. There are six different stories and each one will be a different character's POV signaled by that character's name. It should make more sense as you read it but I figured I would say it.

"Rias, may I come in?" I don't say anything but the door opens anyway, revealing my mother. She comes and sits on the edge of my bed and she puts her hand on my arm. "Listen, can we at least go do something together? I'm not asking you to forget about it, but at least let yourself take your mind off of it for a couple of hours. You aren't eating as much and it's making me worried. It will be just the two of us, nobody else." I sigh. "You don't have to if you don't want to, it just hurts my heart to see you like this." I sit up and she opens her arms.

"No, that sounds like fun. Besides, I know Y/N wouldn't want me to mope around for too long." I look toward the floor. "Do you have any idea where we're going to go?"

"I got us reservations at a really nice restaurant that your father and I have been to a couple of times, I think you would like it. Go ahead and get cleaned up and I'll wait for you."

"Okay." I stand up and make my way into the shower, and once I turn the water on I just stand there for a few minutes. Mother is right, I haven't eaten as much since Y/N died. I've heard my peerage talking about the fact that he might still be alive, but it seems like it's more wishful thinking than anything else. On the other hand, I want it to be true more than anyone else does, and I really do hope that it's true. I would give up anything to have him back, anything in the world. I get dressed and meet my mother, and once I do she smiles at me.

"You look lovely Rias." I smile back. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am." The two of us teleport away and end up on a street in the Underworld. As we walk down the street I see a billboard over some of the buildings, and the picture on the billboard is of Y/N in his Balance Breaker. Mother puts a hand on my shoulder.

"That billboard was put up recently. Even after he's gone it has still brought people hope. The talk of the Underworld and the rest of the factions is that Y/N is still out there somewhere. For your sake, I hope it's true, though I can only wonder how long people can hold onto hope. Let's not talk about that though." The two of us step into the restaurant and are immediately sat in a booth. Mother sits across from me and we both look over our menus. "Get whatever you want sweetie." The waiter comes over and takes our order and once he walks away Mother reaches her hand across the table and holds onto mine.

"Mother, thank you for bringing me here. I wasn't sure how I would feel, but it's nice to be out of the house for a little while." She smiles at me.

"You're welcome Rias." I look outside of the window we're seated next to and I see my reflection. In the time that Y/N has been gone, I've lost weight, almost to the point where you can see the bones in my arms and face. I haven't spoken to mine or his peerages much, and at this point, I've allowed them to do whatever they desire for a bit while we all try to move past what happened. While I've been staying in the Underworld with my family almost everyone else is back at Y/N's house, except for a couple of people. Most of them don't have anywhere else they could consider a home, so being at Y/N's brings them all comfort that they may not feel at my home. I feel my mother's hand pull away from mine and I see that our food has arrived, and the two of us start eating. While I do my best to mind my manners I end up eating like a dog that hasn't been fed in days, and while I'm sure Mother is embarrassed, she doesn't try to stop me. I finish my meal quickly and look up at her.

The Renegade (High School DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now