Palace in the Sky (Finale)

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Six Months Later

"You look great Y/N." I glance over at the door and see Sirzechs walking in. "How are you feeling?"


"I can't blame you for that, it's a nerve-wracking time." He grabs a chair and sits next to me. "Thankfully it's not a traditional ceremony, it's more of a celebration of life." I get a shit-eating grin on my face.

"That's fair, it would be easier than hosting nine weddings and baby showers." After returning from training with Great Red I ended up spending the first two weeks trying to make up for all of the time that I was gone, and in part that led to a lot of sex. To mine and everyone else's surprise, Rias, Akeno, Xenovia, Ravel, Koneko, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Ingvild, and Irina all ended up getting pregnant, something that was damn near impossible by all of the accounts that I had heard. Rias' parents were really happy to hear that I had knocked their daughter up, which I decided not to question and instead accepted that they were willing to help me and all of the girls out through everything. It's been a long process for each of them, but they've all handled it with grace. A knock on the door knocks me out of my thoughts and I see Zeoticus and Venelana.

"There he is, the proud groom. Everyone is here now."

"Okay, thank you. I'll be on my way in a second." Sirzechs stands and joins his parents on their way out the door. I stand up and take one last look in the mirror to make sure my suit is in order. While it isn't a traditional wedding everyone is still dressing up for the occasion, and that is no different for me. Since it's my color scheme at this point I've donned a red suit with green accents, and it fits well. After a quick adjustment of my collar, I make my way out into the hallways of the Gremory mansion and start walking toward the ballroom where everything is taking place. As I open the double doors all of the eyes in the room turn my way and everyone starts clapping. There are quite a few people here, many that I don't even recognize, but considering how big of an event this is I'm not too surprised. The first person to greet me on my way inside is Sairaorg.

"I never would have imagined you would get dressed up like this Y/N, even for your wedding day."

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" The both of us share a laugh and start progressing further into the room. "I still can't believe how many people are here."

"Same here. Before we get too far there is someone I want you to meet." He takes me over to a brown-haired woman, and as we get closer I realize who it is. "Y/N, this is my mother, Misla Bael."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Red Dragon Emperor

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"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Red Dragon Emperor. Sairaorg has told me a lot about you."

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm glad to see you're doing well." I extend my hand to her and she takes it gently.

"Thank you. I awoke shortly after your Rating Game with Sairaorg. I got to watch the tapes of it and see just how far you two pushed each other, and it was truly an inspiration. He's been working nonstop to try and surpass you as of late." I glance at Sairaorg and he looks slightly embarrassed.

The Renegade (High School DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now