The Chosen

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Judgment day is officially upon us. After what has been the longest wait I think I've ever had it's finally time to face off against Sairaorg and his peerage. After the press conference, it seems like the devil populace is even more excited for the two households to face off. While everybody knew of my power before, nobody seemed to expect me to be so bold in challenging Sairaorg and his household. Furthermore, I've been seeing a bunch of letters coming into the house for me from devils all over the underworld. It seems like a lot of people are inspired by what I said and my desire to win, and there are tons of people cheering on not just myself, but everyone else in Rias' household. While initially I was just worried about letting Rias and everyone else down, it seems like there are thousands of people in the underworld that I'm looking out for too in this Rating Game.

Currently, the group of us are on a trolley making our way to the city of Agares. Vali is sitting on my left with Rias on my right and Koneko in my lap snuggling her head against my chest. Vali taps me on the shoulder and I turn to him and give him a nod. The trolley gets closer to the city and I look over it in awe.

"This place is badass."

"That's a subtle way to put it," Azazel responds. "A floating city should be a little more interesting to you, but I guess your mind is somewhere else. Originally this game was supposed to be held in the Bael domain, but the Archduke Agares intervened between King Bael and the Satan Lucifer, that way nobody would have a home-field advantage."

"So it's being held here, we get it." I put my arms around Koneko and she looks up at me with a twinkle in her eye. It's clear that she's just as determined to win this game as I am, and I can't wait to see what she's got. Kuroka is sitting across from us and she gets a smile on her face seeing Koneko and I like this.

"There's something I just realized," Kiba thinks aloud. "Is this Rating Game supposed to represent the battle between the Great King Bael and Great Satan Lucifer?"

"Of course not," I respond. "Sure it may seem that way, but we're still just two households having a Rating Game at the end of the day. Don't think too much into it, just focus on what we're here for."

"Well," Azazel interjects, "some people may view it that way. Even if you were to lose it wouldn't affect Sirzechs at all, but the people in support of Sairaorg and King Bael would be rather happy to see their side win."

"And this is why I hate politics," I respond. "Anything can be made political, it's obnoxious. Let's just win like we've been planning, there's no point in trying to decipher what could be going on here. If there's something more going on then I guess we'll know about it when the time comes."

"Quite big words considering what you and Vali told me this morning," Azazel says to me. Everyone looks my way.

"That's not important to me anyway, and you'll all know what he meant soon enough, just wait." We arrive in the city and once we exit the trolley there are tons of cameras taking pictures of all of us. My eyes dart over to Vali and I can see he's not a fan of the publicity, which I guess I can't blame him for. Outside there is a limo that we all pile into and it takes us away to the arena for the Rating Game.

"The game isn't supposed to start until nightfall," Ravel tells us. "They've secured a room next to the venue for you all to wait in until the game comes." It's not like anything else is going on today but sure, let's build up even more hype until this thing starts. Once we arrive at the venue a group of people in cloaks start walking towards us with a skeleton behind them holding a staff.

 Once we arrive at the venue a group of people in cloaks start walking towards us with a skeleton behind them holding a staff

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