Highway to Hell

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"Y/N," I hear. I turn and what I see is something that already makes me worry. Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Ravel, all naked. Alongside that the room is dark, which I definitely didn't ask for.

"What in the world is going on?"

"It's quite simple," Rias says. "Your harem is here to serve you. You are our master after all. Now, I'm ready when you are." I'm Rias' master? That sounds kind of badass, but something still isn't right here. They all try to sway me into fucking them first, but ultimately I'm very confused.

"Room for one more?"

"I guess so." Wait, who was that?

"How could you forget? I was your first after all." I turn to see an unfortunately recognizable fallen angel. "Without me you wouldn't have anything that you do now. No matter what happens, you'll never get away from me." Raynare comes towards me and everything goes black.

Dream Over

What the fuck just happened? I feel my forehead and note some sweat. Why now after as much time that has passed? I note Rias and Akeno attached to my arms still, seemingly unfazed by me bolting awake. There's some movement under the blanket and a blue haired head pokes out, with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Y/N." I give her a smile.

"What brings you here Xenovia?" She smiles and puts her arms around my neck.

"Are you surprised Y/N? Is there an issue with me being here?"

"I didn't say that." Her face moves closer to mine and before we can kiss I hear an annoyed Rias.

"Xenovia," she says, "what are you doing with Y/N?"

"He said that when school was over he would make a baby with me, and today is the last day after all. I was just trying to do it earlier."

"You're misunderstanding what I meant Xenovia. Wait until we graduate and if you still want me to then I'll consider it. You still haven't hit the point where you could hate me yet." The three girls laugh, and it occurs to me Akeno is awake as well.

"Not possible Master." There's only one person who calls me that.

"Ravel," I say. She pops her head out from under the covers like a gopher out of a hole. "Did you two come in here at the same time?" Her and Xenovia both nod, Ravel a little more sheepishly. I put an arm around her and pull her closer to me. "Well if Rias and Akeno don't mind I guess I don't either. I must be that comfortable."

"You are," they all say. We leave my room and see Asia making breakfast. Rias addresses all of us since everyone is at the table. She explains the trip to the underworld that she told me about the other day.

"So you're saying we'll be going to the same hell I used to throw heretics into?" Xenovia seems interested.

"I'm just glad we get to go with you Rias," I say. "Who knows what I would do without you for a few months." She gives me a hug.

"You're being dramatic Y/N. I intend to keep you around for a few dozen millennia. Azazel will be there as well, but we'll talk more about it with him after school. Now let's all go to school. I know our Renegade doesn't care if he's late but I'd rather not be." I shake my head.

"Azazel says it once and now you all want to keep saying it. I'm not even the same as I was back then." Everyone laughs and we make our way to school. As we're walking my mind wanders back to my dream. Why did Raynare come up at all? I haven't thought about her in ages, since I killed her at least. Everything got better after that, so why after so long is she in my thoughts?

The Renegade (High School DxD x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now