Wait and Bleed

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"Y/N, are you awake yet?" My eyes open up and I see Akeno bringing some food into the room. I sit up and Akeno sits next to me.

"Have you been up long?" She shakes her head.

"No, I just wanted to make some breakfast for the two of us before we get the day started. I told Rias that we wouldn't be making it to school today, and she understands why."

"I would hope so," I respond. Before I can start eating Akeno grabs my arm.

"I want to feed you Y/N, so just let me." I roll my eyes but let her do as she wants. "So, I was thinking, maybe we should train together today."

"You think so?"

"I do. You're so much stronger than me, I can't help but think that there's a ton I could learn from training with you Y/N. I'm sure Ace wouldn't have a problem with it either." She sets the plate down and looks to the other end of the room. "You know, I never would have known I had the power that I do inside of me, or the ability to overcome the thing that I thought was holding me back, but I've learned that I just had to accept it. No matter what happens, I'm still Akeno Himejima, the daughter of a fallen angel. When you showed me that you could accept me through anything, that's when I knew I had a chance at accepting myself." I put an arm around her and she leans her head on my shoulder. "I feel the same way about you, you know? Ever since I first saw you, I knew there was something deep inside of you that was causing you so much grief. All I wanted was to help you, no matter what it took, but if I tried to do that before you became a devil then it would have all been for nothing. Once you found out what I was you probably would have cast me aside."

"I could never do that, not then, and especially not now." I stand up and Akeno stands with me. My arms go around her and her eyes lock with mine. "Let's not think about those negative things right now, we're supposed to be the happy couple right?" Akeno stands on her tiptoes and kisses me.

"Of course Y/N, you're right. Let's head back home now, we've got a long day ahead of us." I pick her up and take her to the motorcycle. We make our way home quickly and see Ace, Vali, and Kuroka looking at the door as we enter.

"Y/N I could expect this from, but you Akeno?" She shrugs her shoulders and smirks.

"He's just got that effect on me, I guess. I wanted to train with him today since I thought that would be a fast track to power." Ace stands and comes our way.

"Well, I guess I can't be mad at you two for that. Considering the chemistry between the two of you it wouldn't be a stretch to think that the both of you could benefit from training with each other. Vali, Kuroka, surely you two would like to join them as well?" Both of them agree and the five of us head off to the training room. "I should warn the two of you though, it seems like the Khaos Brigade might be making some advances in the coming days. The faction leaders are keeping tight contact with each other on the situation, and it seems like they'll be drawing whatever they can here for the group of us to take on. I know you all can handle yourselves, but I'm still trying to figure out who they'll end up sending next. No matter though, there's no reason why the group of you wouldn't be able to take on whatever comes next. I'll be with you as well, so don't worry too much." A magic circle opens up and through it comes Sirzechs.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," he says to us. His attire isn't his normal outfit, instead, it looks like battle armor of some kind. "I was actually hoping to join your training regimen for today. I'm aware that I'm not as strong as either of the Heavenly Dragons, but if I'm to stay a great leader for my people, then I need to be in the best shape of my life for what is coming." Vali gets a smirk on his face.

"Old blood and the new blood training together, this will be fun. Hopefully, you don't mind Y/N and I breaking you down as much as we can. We can't just let some pretender to what should be rightfully ours get stronger than us." Vali glances my way. "Isn't that right Y/N?" Sirzechs looks my way with a gleam in his eye.

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