Blood From A Stone

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3rd Person POV

As the smoke starts to settle in Heaven Ophis lands next to Lord Michael and the other Brave Saints.

"I can't say I'm sure why you have offered your help, but it is much appreciated." Ophis shakes her head at the leader of the angels.

"If you want to thank anyone, thank Y/N. It wasn't supposed to go this way, but it's because of him that I decided to fight."

"He must have had quite the effect on you." Ophis looks away from the angel.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Lord Michael!" The two see Irina running toward them. "Baraqiel just said that the fighting has wrapped up there and that Y/N and his peerage are on their way to Asgard. He said that there was still fighting going on near the Gremory territory though."

"I see."

"I'll go help out in the Underworld," Ophis decides. She points her finger at Irina. "You should go help Y/N and the others. I'm not sure who they'll end up fighting there, but I'm sure they could use the help." Michael looks over at his Ace.

"I agree. Besides, I wouldn't want to keep you from Y/N for too long." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. "When the fighting calms down, give this to Y/N."

"You've got it!" With that, the three head their separate ways. With Ophis heading to the Underworld and Irina to Asgard, Lord Michael and the remaining angels in Heaven start the repairs to their home.

"Lord Michael," one of the angels says. "Does that mean that Ophis and Y/N are on our side? The chief of the angels smirks.

"Y/N never left our side. We can just call it a misunderstanding and leave it at that."


As the group of us arrive in Asgard it seems much quieter than Grigori was. We make our way to where I can feel a fight going on, and in the middle of it all is Odin wielding Gungnir and attacking the remaining enemies on the field. I land next to him and let my armor fade.

"I guess we didn't make it in time, hopefully you don't croak old man." Odin looks my way and with him, I see a few other Valkyries as well as a couple of men I don't recognize. 

"Rossweisse?" My Valkyrie goes over to the four of them and I extend my hand to Odin.

"I knew you would come around you pesky dragon. I'm not sure why the fighting broke out, but we took care of these invaders with no problem with the group of us here. Have you met my sons?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I haven't." The two of us walk toward the three men and they all bow to me.

"Y/N, I'd like you to meet Baldur, Thor, and Vidar."

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