Strength In Numbers

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A Few Days Later

"Y/N," I hear. I sit up and see Akeno. "We're about to leave for the summit, are you ready?"

"Yeah," I reply. She sits down next to me and puts her hand on my leg.

"Something is bothering you, isn't it?" I nod to her and she puts her arm around me. "What's going on?"

"Well, it's just ever since Lord Michael gave me Ascalon I've been a little out of it." She knows exactly what I'm hinting at.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I shake my head.

"It would be easier if I went alone. Would you mind to tell Rias for me?" She nods and gives me a kiss.

"Absolutely Y/N. Not to rush you but we do have a specific time to be there."

"I know Akeno, I know. I won't be long, but with the fact that there's an important meeting going on I just need to mellow out for a minute. I should be fine once I get there." I stand up and put my arms around Akeno who leans her head against me. "I'll be okay, I promise."

"Okay, but only because you promised." I take a look into Akeno's eyes and my nerves calm a little bit. We head downstairs and the only one there is Ravel. I explain what I'm going to do and she nods. I exit the house and speed away. Once I arrive I look down at the all too familiar gravesite. Every time something big goes down it's easier to come here beforehand. I say a few words of peace. Afterwards I make my way to the school as quickly as I can, realizing I spent too much time at the cemetery.

"Sorry I'm late everyone," I say embarrassedly. Rias comes up and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"No worries Y/N, we were just about to leave so you aren't late at all. Is everything okay now?" I glance at Akeno and she smiles at me.

"Yeah I am, just needed to calm my nerves." I see Koneko and Gasper sitting on one of the couches and a big box full of snacks. I go up to Gasper and he looks at me.

"You'll be okay right Gasper?" He nods at me and I reach into my pocket, pulling out a handheld game console. I hand it to him. "It's kind of old, but it still works. Nowadays I don't use it, so you can use it to keep yourself occupied. Once this is done it's yours." He smiles and before we can leave Koneko stops me. I crouch down to her eye level and she gives me a hug. She didn't say a word, but it's like I knew exactly what she was trying to communicate to me. I rejoin the rest of the group composed of Rias' house and Ravel. We exit the club and move to the main school building. 

Once we arrive we enter a conference room and see everyone here. At the main table is Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael, and Azazel. Behind the devils are Grayfia as well as Sona and Tsubaki. To my surprise Irina is accompanying Lord Michael. I give her a quick smile and she does the same, though when she sees Xenovia she turns away. I look back at the blue haired knight and she seems a little bothered by it, but I let her know it's okay. She nods and we join Sona and Tsubaki. I look across the table and see Vali behind Azazel. His look is rather cold and neutral, and it seems that he is looking directly at me. I'm not letting it bother me and I return the stare. If he's trying to psych me out it isn't going to work. Sirzechs introduces us to the conference.

"This is my sister Rias and her household. They were the ones who fought Kokabiel. Now that they are here let's get this peace summit underway." Rias and Sona step up to give their report about Kokabiel's attack to everyone and my gaze is still locked on Vali who holds it with me. Akeno puts her arm around mine and I feel myself get calmer. There's something nice about having people with you, it helps you feel secure.

"The rest can be found in my official report," Rias finishes.

"I, Sona Sitri, confirm the veracity of Lady Gremory's report." The four at the table thank them and Serafall tells Sona she's proud of her, which causes me to chuckle a little bit.

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